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Notes on which programming Languages to learn first

1. want to learn the programming fundamentals and become a super coder, learn C and C++.

  • C,C++ - most effecient("fast-execution and smart use of resources") and effective("freedom in terms of control over hardware") language.

2. want to learn something easy and super useful.

  • learnpython - widely used for backend in framework such as django & flask. used by research teams for Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, AI systems and much more.

3. want to learn web-development, learn HTML, CSS, Javascript in order. see this repository.


  • HTML - used for structuring web page.
  • CSS - used to add beauty to web page.
  • JavaScript - used for front end, as well as backend. ???????????????


  • PHP - ????????
  • SQL - ??????????


  • ???
  • ???

Become FullStack Developer

  • ???
  • ???

4. want to learn how to write beautiful documentations such as this one.