It's so easy to say that I don't know why but it works. I don't deny I did that. But I try not to do that again, even if it means to track down the ugly code inside node_modules
Writing tests means writing more code and spending more time. But they are worth it because:
- Tests make me think the correct inputs/outputs and where is the right place for the code.
- Tests alert me when I break other things.
I love feedbacks. I always learn valuable lessons from them. But it doesn't mean I have to follow everything in them. I also need to verify them. It's because sometimes the better answer is hidden somewhere between.
If I cannot do something, it's maybe because I don't have enough knowledge or clue. And the fastest way to get them is to experiment things or learn the topic.
If I did something wrong, it means that I can do the same wrong thing again. I must be extra careful about them.
I could do and write all of these because I've learned them from someone else. Don't forget them and be a good teacher and person like them.
What I'm learning:
- Chrome Dev Tools
- Web browser internals.
What I'm working on:
- Cypress: fixing bugs with the tag, internal priority.
- Ghost: fix bugs.
- Preparing YouTube Channel for beginners.
Tech: TypeScript, Commanderjs, Nodejs, React, Mobx, DOM, Express
- Add out-of-the-box TypeScript support (#5906)
- Improve element visibility algorithm (CSS transform, backface visibility) (#5590, #5916)
- Improve type definition of APIs (#6327, #7806, #8068)
- Improve click and type automation (#8114, #8255, #8305)
- Fix bugs in Cypress network mocking server (#8978, #8965, #8829)
Tech: Expressjs, Knex, Bookshelf, Emberjs, Handlebars
- Fixed keyboard shortcut not working inside token input. (Admin#1707)
>>> More on Ghost
>>> More on Ghost Admin
Tech: React, Babel + JavaScript AST, ESLint, Puppeteer
- Improve navigation block editor UI (#19832, #20350)
- Replace espree with Babel to use new ES2020 syntax in documentation. (#21853)
- Add/Fix e2e tests written in Puppeteer (#22202, #22200, #20605)
Tech: React, TypeScript, Nodejs
- Migrate legacy JavaScript code to new TypeScript platform (#44644, #44743, #44750, #45747)
- Fix custom eslint rule error when "index" is used in the folder name (#46544)
- Migrate basic_table to TypeScript (#2428)
Tech: Nodejs
- Detect files added to/removed from directories (#2615)
Ver. 1.1.0 (2020-11-03)