- node.js
- local httpd (also, MAMP) with 80 port listen.
- Setting httpd DocumentRoot for this repo directory
- Starting httpd for localhost, here listen 80 port
- Get this repo
- $ npm install -g
- $ gulp watch
/src => source files area
/src/js => *.js *.coffee (output dist: /public_html/js/ and compress)
/src/jade => *.jade meta.json (output dist: /public_html/ but compile for jade files only)
/src/scss => *.scss *.css (output dist: /public_html/css/ and compress)
/public_html => public files area, and jade output distination
/public_html/js => js and coffee-script output distination, and js libraries
/public_html/css => scss outpu distination