This is a website for demonstration of how most of the basic instructions work in MIPS architecture. Supported Instruction set:
Instruction | Format |
Add | add $rd, $rs, $rt |
Sub | sub $rd, $rs, $rt |
And | and $rd, $rs, $rt |
Or | or $rd, $rs, $rt |
JR | jr $rs |
Add Immediate | addi $rt, $rs, immediate |
Store Word | sw $rt, offset($rs) |
Load Word | lw $rt, offset($rs) |
Branch Equal | beq $rs, $rt, label |
J | j label |
Jal | jal label |
Available Here
Basic datapath needs to modification for some instructions. I didn't find any recources for combinational logic of alu control that can handle those instructions. I started with this design
then I modified the logic to cater for this.
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome.