A simple restaurant review website build with Bootstrap 5.0 framework, MySQL, Express and NodeJS. I designed the UI/UX on Adobe XD.
This projects requires NodeJS and NPM.
Create a new MySQL schema and import the attached eatout.sql file
Create an .env file with the following fields
DB_HOST = (your-db-host, usually localhost)
DB_PORT = (your-db-port, usually 3306)
DB_USER = (your-username)
DB_PASSWORD = (your-password)
DB_NAME = (db-name)
JSONTOKEN_KEY = (any-random-key)
- Launch the web application
$ npm start
This web application runs on Node.JS and requires the following packages.
- bcrypt
- body-parser
- bootstrap 5.0
- dotenv
- easy-livereload
- express
- jsonwebtoken
- mysql
- node-dev
- nodemon