This is a c++ implementation of the fingerprinting algorithm suggested in the dejavu audio fingerprinting project ( specifically: the file). link on how dejavu works
- opencv (= 3.4.5)
- boost library (= 1.60)
- c++14
- for demo only: ffmpeg
The "fingerprint" function will accept array of floats as an input (raw audio pcm data). It will returns a list of hashes with offsets (as a json string).
- You can run c++ code on iOS or Android (tested it myself, works Flawlessly).
- In theory: performance boost. In practice: didn't see much difference.
The main function will load a test mp3 file, uncompressed it using ffmpeg (as a mono channel, 22050 sample rate), feed it to fingerprint function, then prints the list of hashes-offsets.
Now a sample code is provided in a different repository that demonstrates how to include this function in a react-native project. Blog post is available that explains how to do it.
- I wrote this code initially for prototype purposes. while I have tested the correctness of the algorithm output, I didn't optimise the code to c++ best standards. If you want to improve the code in this manner I will gladly accept pull requests.
- Performance (speed wise) is really slow when the audio input is large. However on small audio files (<10 seconds) it is similar or better than python implementation. For now, I'm not interested to look after this issue. If you have a fix, PR.