Assignment as given in the course work of Introduction to Computer Vision(CSE527) taken by Prof Roy Shilkrot
Laplacian Blending using Image Pyramids is a very good intro to working and thinking in frequencies, and Deconvolution is a neat trick.
Tasks: Perform Histogram Equalization on the given input image. Perform Low-Pass, High-Pass and Deconvolution on the given input image. Perform Laplacian Blending on the two input images (blend them together).
Histogram Equalization Refer to the readings on @43, particularly to Szeliski's section 3.4.1, and within it to eqn 3.9. Getting the histogram of a grayscale image is incredibly easy (Python):
Low-Pass, High-Pass and Deconvolution in the Frequency Domain
LPF: mask a 20x20 window of the center of the FT image (the low frequencies). HPF: just reverse the mask.
Deconvolution: apply a gaussian kernel (gk) to your input image (in the FD/FFT):
Laplacian Pyramid Blending
The goal was to create 2 panoramas:
Using homographies and perspective warping on a common plane (3 images).
Using cylindrical warping (many images).
In both options we should:
Read in the images: input1.jpg, input2.jpg, input3.jpg .
[Apply cylindrical wrapping if needed] .
Calculate the transformation (homography for projective; affine for cylindrical) between each .
Transform input2 and input3 to the plane of input1, and produce output.png .
Use Laplacian Blending code to stitch the images together nicely .
Goal is to:
Detect the face in the first frame of the movie .
Using pre-trained Viola-Jones detector
Track the face throughout the movie using:
CAMShift .
Particle Filter .
Face detector + Kalman Filter (always run the kf.predict(), and run kf.correct() when we get a new face detection) .
Face Detector + Optical Flow tracker (use the OF tracker whenever the face detector fails).
Perform semi-automatic binary segmentation based on SLIC superpixels and graph-cuts:
Given an image and sparse markings for foreground and background.
Calculate SLIC over image.
Calculate color histograms for all superpixels.
Calculate color histograms for FG and BG.
Construct a graph that takes into account superpixel-to-superpixel interaction (smoothness term), as well as superpixel-FG/BG interaction (match term).
Run a graph-cut algorithm to get the final segmentation.
"Wow factor":
Make it interactive: Let the user draw the markings .
for every interaction step .
recalculate only the FG-BG histograms,
construct the graph and get a segmentation from the max-flow graph-cut,
show the result immediately to the user (should be fast enough).
Goal is to reconstruct a scene from multiple structured light scannings of it.
Calibrate projector with the “easy” method .
Use ray-plane intersection .
Get 2D-3D correspondence and use stereo calibration .
Get the binary code for each pixel - this you should do, but it's super easy .
Correlate code with (x,y) position - we provide a "codebook" from binary code -> (x,y) .
With 2D-2D correspondence .
Perform stereo triangulation (existing function) to get a depth map .
Add color to 3D cloud .
When finding correspondences, take the RGB values from "aligned001.png" .
Add them later to reconstruction .
Output a file called "output_color.xyzrgb" with the following format .
"%d %d %d %d %d %d\n"%(x, y, z, r, g, b) .
for each 3D+RGB point .
Train an MNIST CNN classifier on just the digits: 1, 4, 5 and 9 . Architecture (suggested, you may change it):
"conv1": conv2d 3x3x4, stride=1, ReLU, padding = "SAME"
"conv2": conv2d 3x3x8, stride=2, ReLU, padding = "SAME"
"pool": pool 2x2
"fc1": fc 16
"fc2": fc 10
"softmax": xentropy loss, fc-logits = 4 (we have 4 classes...)
Optimizer: ADAM .
5 epochs, 10 batch size
Use your trained model’s weights on the lower 4 layers to train a classifier for the rest of MNIST (excluding 1,4,5 and 9)
Create new layers for the top (5 and 6)
Try to run as few epochs as possible to get a good classification (> 99% on test)