#Destined Glory A very pre-alpha stat tracker for your PvP performance in the video game Destiny by Bungie Software.
- Experiment with full-stack applications in 100% Kotlin
- Able to share view-models and other code between frontend and backend (not there yet)
- Draw a pretty chart of your Crucible progress over time (have JSON, will chart in vNext)
This web application has a kotlin frontend in the /frontend folder and a kotlin backend in the /backend folder. Aside from the Kotlin standard library the main dependency is KTOR library which facilitates most aspects of HTTP communication.
Place a secrets.properties file containing your bungie API key in the backend folder with contents like these:
bungieapikey=<put a real API key here>
Then use Gradle to build and run:
./gradlew run
The server will start at http://localhost:8008/