Work in progress 🦺
Headless e-commerce with Swagger Rest API && GraphQL
check nvm to run multiple versions of node && npm
DB client to manage the database such as pgAdmin or Table Plus
# 1. Get your .env file ready (Adjust the ports to available ports on your system)
$ env-example mv .env
# 2. Install dependencies
$ npm install
# 3. Build assets
$ npm run build
# 4. Serve the app in watch mode
$ npm run start:dev
Docker && Docker Compose
To avoid the headeach of meeting the application versions requirements, you can use the power of docker && docker compose to run && test the application locally
macos && linuxs
# 1. Get your .env file ready (Adjust the ports to available ports on your system)
$ env-example mv .env
# 2. Run docker-compose (go have a ☕️ first build will take some time...)
$ docker-compose up
# or
# Run docker-compose in detached mode
$ docker-compose up -d
Lynx E-Commerce is MIT licensed.