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samme edited this page Nov 4, 2024 · 42 revisions

Textures have a key, a first frame name, a map of frames, one or more source images (canvas, image, or video), and zero or more data source images (normal maps). There are three texture classes, CanvasTexture, DynamicTexture, and Texture.

The maximum texture dimensions depend on the device; you can check renderer.getMaxTextureSize(). 2048px for mobile and 4096px for desktop should be safe.

Frames are rectangular areas on a texture. Frames have a name, position, several dimensions (realWidth and realHeight are most important), and an optional custom pivot point. The docs call frame names "names" (for atlas textures) and "indexes" (for spritesheet textures) but they are all the same thing. All textures have a special frame, named __BASE, that represents the entire texture.

Textures are stored in the Texture Manager, this.textures in a scene or game.textures. Textured game objects hold their current texture and frame in their texture and frame properties.

There are three built-in textures: __DEFAULT (32 × 32 transparent), __MISSING (32 × 32 green slashed box), and __WHITE (4 × 4 white).

List texture keys in the manager

const keys = this.textures.getTextureKeys(); // → ['mummy', 'bat', 'torch', …]

Get a texture from the manager

textures.get() always returns a texture; it will be the __MISSING texture if no such key exists. So you should use textures.exists() first.

const texture = this.textures.exists('mummy') ? this.textures.get('mummy') : null;

List the frame names for a texture

const frameNames = this.textures.get('mummy').getFrameNames(); // → [0, 1, 2, …]

List all texture keys and frame names

for (const textureKey of this.textures.getTextureKeys()) {, this.textures.get(textureKey).getFrameNames(true));

Get a frame from a texture

const mummyFrame1 = this.textures.getFrame('mummy', 1);
// OR
const mummyFrame1 = this.textures.get('mummy').get(1);

A texture itself has no dimensions, technically; for those you want to read from the base frame:

const { realWidth, realHeight } = this.textures.getFrame('mummy', '__BASE');

Set a texture's filter mode

// Nearest-neighbor filter (pixelated)

// Linear filter (antialiased)

Working from a game object

A game object's texture and frame hold its current texture and frame, so you can access them there instead of from the texture manager. Just remember that you're working with shared objects.

const mummy = this.add.sprite(0, 0, 'mummy', 1);

console.log(mummy.texture.key); // → 'mummy'
console.log(; // → 1

const mummyFrame1 = mummy.texture.get(1); 

Loading images for textures

Usually you won't be creating textures directly. Phaser creates textures for you when you load images.

  • load.image() creates a texture with the single frame __BASE.
  • load.spritesheet() creates a texture with frames named as integers starting from 0, plus __BASE.
  • load.atlas() or load.unityAtlas() creates a texture with frames named in the atlas data, plus __BASE.
  • load.multiatlas() creates the same, with multiple source images

In Phaser terms a "spritesheet" has uniform cells in rows or columns and an "atlas" has frames in any size and position. Phaser can load atlases created by Texture Packer (any "Phaser 3" format) or Unity.

Phaser can use any image format that the browser can display. SVGs are rasterized (by the browser) when a texture is created. Phaser v3.60 supports WebGL compressed textures.

Textures from complete images

If you already have a complete image or canvas somehow, you can add it to the Texture Manager directly using methods such as addImage(), addSpriteSheet(), addAtlas(). These methods are very similar to the corresponding load methods, but they take a sourceImage argument (the image or canvas) instead of an URL.

You can make a second texture from the same source this way, maybe if you wanted to create a different frame set:

this.textures.addImage('mummyCopy', this.textures.get('mummy').getSourceImage());

Setting custom pivot points (origin)

for (const frame of Object.values(this.textures.get('sprites').frames)) {
  if ( === '__BASE') {

  frame.customPivot = true;
  frame.pivotX = 0.5;
  frame.pivotY = 1;

  console.log(frame.texture.key,, frame.pivotX, frame.pivotY);

Adding frames

texture.add(frameName, sourceIndex, x, y, width, height);

You can use numeric or string frame names. sourceIndex is 0 for single-source textures.

Frames can be cloned but you then have to add the new frame object manually:

// Clone frame 0 of texture "asp".
const aspFrame = this.textures.cloneFrame('asp', 0);

// Add it as frame 0 of the "bat" texture.
const batTexture = this.textures.get('bat');

batTexture.frames[] = aspFrame;

batTexture.frameTotal += 1;

You can add frames to any texture. Here you can "convert" a single-frame texture into a multi-frame spritesheet texture:

this.load.image('example', 'example.png');

this.load.once('filecomplete-image-example', () => {
  const texture = this.textures.get('image');
  texture.firstFrame = 0;
  texture.add(0 /* … */);
  texture.add(1 /* … */);
  texture.add(2 /* … */);
  texture.getFrameNames(); // -> [0, 1, 2]

In practice you usually add frames to create a multi-frame Canvas Texture or Dynamic Texture (see below).

Canvas Texture

A Canvas Texture has a canvas with a 2d rendering context as its source. You can use any of the Canvas API on it. You can draw texture frames on it, but not game objects (cf. Dynamic Texture).

You can create a blank canvas texture with createCanvas():

const texture = this.textures.createCanvas('key', width, height);

Or use an existing canvas:

const texture = this.textures.addCanvas('key', canvas);

Use drawFrame() to draw another texture frame onto the Canvas Texture:

texture.drawFrame('mummy', 1, x, y);

or draw() if you have a source image (unusual):

texture.draw(sourceImage, x, y);

If you work on the canvas context directly, refresh the texture when finished:

const ctx = texture.getContext();

// CanvasTexture has its own `width` and `height`.
// You could also read these from the base frame, as with the Texture class.
const { width, height } = texture;

ctx.fillStyle = 'ghostwhite';
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);


refresh() is required to update the texture for display in WebGL rendering mode. Don't call refresh() after draw() or drawFrame(); it's already included.

If you need to use getPixel() or getPixels() after drawing, call update() instead of refresh().

Dynamic Texture

A Dynamic Texture is a special texture that allows you to draw textures, frames and most kind of Game Objects directly to it.

Render Texture

A Render Texture is essentially an Image holding a Dynamic Texture.