generate data
cd data_gen
cargo run --release -- --min 3 --max 5 --size 20000000 --seed 32 --save-path data-20m-add --chunk-size=500000 --operators=+
mv data-20m-add ../datasets/.
cargo run --release -- --min 3 --max 5 --size 20000000 --seed 32 --save-path data-20m-all --chunk-size=500000
mv data-20m-all ../datasets/.
run the training
python reason_net/ --config-path configs --config-name all-14m.yaml
reason middle
python reason_net/ --config-path configs --config-name all-14m.yaml reason_mode=true
reason left
python reason_net/ --config-path configs --config-name all-14m.yaml reason_mode=true +data.reason.reason_token_pos="left"
With small model for test
python reason_net/ --config-path configs --config-name all-14m.yaml module/model=910K