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1.1 Working with existing project

vitalyiegorov edited this page Jan 3, 2015 · 2 revisions

#Working with existing project

How to start working with existing project, we consider that you have access to working CVS SamsonPHP project repository:

  • Clone project repository git clone [repo_url] [project_path], where repo_url - accessible url, for example https://github/samsonos/php_core.git, project_path - location on your hard drive where project will be created
  • Go to cloned folder and call composer intall --prefer-dist to install all external dependencies, for more information about composer visit official web-site
  • If you project has database then you should create it and import dump, by default its located in the project root folder, for example projectname.sql.gz, if your project is using SamsonPHP ActiveRecord module, then your database configuration is located in /app/config/ActiveRecord[type]Config.php and you must either match it or change it to your specific settings.
  • To make your website accessible, you must configure your web-server to serve files from /www this is project public folder.
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