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Importers User Interface

Braydon Justice edited this page Mar 8, 2022 · 5 revisions

Index page

This page details information about existing importers. Per row there are 4 clickable options:

  • Name: takes you to the importer show page
  • Info (ℹ️): takes you to the importer show page
  • Edit (✏️): takes you to the importer edit page
  • Delete (✖️): deletes the importer

Creating a new Importer

Base options

  • Name (required): A free-text name for the Import.
  • Administrative Set (required): A Hyrax Admin Set chosen from the provided drop-down.
  • Frequency: Most commonly used for OAI-PMH, this field is used to specify when the import will be run. The default is 'Once (on save).
  • Limit: If a number is provided, only that number of items are imported. This can be used to perform a small test import prior to a full import. If the value is 0 or blank, all items are imported.
  • Parser (required): The Import Parser, eg. CSV, Bagit, XML or OAI-PMH, to use for the import, chosen from the provided drop-down. The list of parsers that appear in the drop-down is configurable, please see the Configuration Guide for further information.

Parser-specific options

Each parser has a set of fields that are drawn on the form on choosing the parser. The help text on the form should provide guidance on the use of those fields. If it doesn't, please create an issue or submit a Pull Request with improved help text.

Saving the Importer

Three options are presented:

  • Create and Validate: create the importer and run a 'validate_only' import - this option simulates an import but does not create any Works or Collections in Hyrax. It allows you to check for errors, to check metadata mappings and any other configured options prior to continuing to a full import run.
  • Create and Import: create the importer and run the import.
  • Create: create the importer but do not run the import at this time.

Updating an existing Importer

Choose 'edit' to update an existing Importer. Fields in the importer form will be presented with the previous data and can be updated.

Add CSV File to Import

Choose between the following options:

  • Use the import path to upload the same version of the csv that was used when this importer was created or last updated
  • Upload a csv from your computer

Add Files to Import

Choose cloud files to upload. The filenames must be unique, and the filenames must be referenced in a column called 'file' in the accompanying CSV file.

Saving the Updated Importer

Four options are presented in a modal, once you click the "Update Importer" button:

  • Update Importer: Only update the values in the importer form. Do not update metadata or files for any works or collections.
  • Update Metadata: Update the values in the importer form and update the metadata for all works. Do not update any files.
  • Update Metadata and Files: Update the values in the importer form and update the metadata and files for all works. Creates new versions of the files and retains the old versions.
  • Update and Replace Files: Update the values in the importer form and update the metadata. Completely removes all files attached to works for this importer and recreates the files from scratch.

Please note, options for OAI-PMH are slightly different.

Video Demo

Bulkrax Importer Demo

Bulkrax Importer Results Demo