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Infrastructure As Microservice Talk

You can find here the slides and the sample code of our talk "Infrastructure as Microservice - Alternativen zum Monolithen Kubernetes" that we presented on JAX Online at 26th May 2020.

Slides are located in folder slides.

The code samples are tested with

  • Maven 3.6.3
  • Java 11
  • Docker 19.03.3-rc1
  • Consul 1.7.2
  • Vagrant 2.2.5
  • Nomad 0.10
  • Traefic 1.7.30

Step 0 - Classical Client Server Architecture

In demo-Start, you can find the starting point for our journey to get an automated operation without Kubernetes.

For running the demo:

cd demo-Start
mvn clean install
(cd backend && mvn spring-boot:run)
(cd frontend && mvn spring-boot:run)

Application URL: http://localhost:8080/hero

Backend URL (See api/hero-api.yml for details): http://localhost:8081/api/ Username: admin Password: admin For example REST-API: http://localhost:8081/api/hero/heros

Step 1 - Retrieve Environment from Key-Value Store

In demo-KeyValueStore, you can find the transformation from loading configuration from properties to loading configuration from key value store.

For running the demo:

Consul preparation:

docker run -d --name=dev-consul -p 8500:8500 consul:1.6.1

docker exec dev-consul consul kv put config/frontend/backend.url http://localhost:8081/api
docker exec dev-consul consul kv put config/frontend/backend.username admin
docker exec dev-consul consul kv put config/frontend/backend.password admin

Starting our demo application:

cd demo-KeyValueStore
mvn clean install
(cd backend && mvn spring-boot:run)
(cd frontend && mvn spring-boot:run)

Application URL: http://localhost:8080/hero

Backend URL (See api/hero-api.yml for details): http://localhost:8081/api/ Username: admin Password: admin For example REST-API: http://localhost:8081/api/hero/heros

You can see that the application is loading the configuration from Consul in the log of frontend:

2019-10-22 18:23:38.929  INFO 7606 --- [  restartedMain] b.c.PropertySourceBootstrapConfiguration : Located property source: CompositePropertySource {name='consul', propertySources=[ConsulPropertySource {name='config/frontend/'}, ConsulPropertySource {name='config/application/'}]}

Step 2 - Push Service Infomation into Service Registry

In demo-ServiceRegistry-Push, you can find how to push our service information into a service registry.

Consul preparation:

docker run -d --name=dev-consul -p 8500:8500 consul:1.6.1

docker exec dev-consul consul kv put config/frontend/backend.username admin
docker exec dev-consul consul kv put config/frontend/backend.password admin

Starting our demo application:

cd demo-ServiceRegistry-Push
mvn clean install
(cd backend && mvn spring-boot:run)
(cd frontend && mvn spring-boot:run)

Application URL: http://localhost:8080/hero

Backend URL (See api/hero-api.yml for details): http://localhost:8081/api/ Username: admin Password: admin For example REST-API: http://localhost:8081/api/hero/heros

You can see the registration information of our service in http://localhost:8500/ui/dc1/services/backend

Step 3 - Use Service Infomation from Service Registry (Service Discovery)

In demo-ServiceRegistry-Use, you can find how to use our service information from a service registry.

Consul preparation:

docker run -d --name=dev-consul -p 8500:8500 consul:1.6.1

docker exec dev-consul consul kv put config/frontend/backend.username admin
docker exec dev-consul consul kv put config/frontend/backend.password admin

Starting our demo application:

cd demo-ServiceRegistry-Use
mvn clean install
(cd backend && mvn spring-boot:run)
(cd frontend && mvn spring-boot:run)

Application URL: http://localhost:8080/hero

Backend URL (See api/hero-api.yml for details): http://localhost:8081/api/ Username: admin Password: admin For example REST-API: http://localhost:8081/api/hero/heros

You can see the registration information of our service in http://localhost:8500/ui/dc1/services/backend.

You can see that the application is using the serivce information fro the service registry feature of Consul in the log of frontend:

2019-10-22 18:38:35.839  INFO 9456 --- [  restartedMain] d.b.h.f.universum.HeroServiceRestClient  : Found Service URL: 'http://localhost:8081''
2019-10-22 18:38:35.842  INFO 9456 --- [  restartedMain] d.b.h.f.universum.HeroServiceRestClient  : ServicePath: 'http://localhost:8081/api'

Step 4 - Scaling

In demo-Full, you can find how to scale our application automatically in a cluster with Nomad.

Nomad preparation:

cd Environment
vagrant up
vagrant upload ../backend-docker/src/deployment/backend.nomad
vagrant upload ../frontend/src/main/deployment/frontend.nomad
vagrant ssh

sudo nomad agent -dev

# open a new shell
#cd Environment
#vagrant ssh

nomad run backend.nomad
nomad status backend

Task Group  Desired  Placed  Healthy  Unhealthy  Progress Deadline
docker      3        3       0        0          2019-10-22T21:07:08Z

ID        Node ID   Task Group  Version  Desired  Status   Created  Modified
488a3e66  54866ffd  docker      0        run      running  48s ago  15s ago
61779aff  54866ffd  docker      0        run      running  48s ago  16s ago
697c04f1  54866ffd  docker      0        run      running  48s ago  15s ago

nomad run frontend.nomad
nomad status frontend
Task Group  Desired  Placed  Healthy  Unhealthy  Progress Deadline
webs        1        1       1        0          2019-10-22T21:07:22Z

ID        Node ID   Task Group  Version  Desired  Status   Created    Modified
39d58f03  54866ffd  webs        0        run      running  4m22s ago  2m51s ago

You can see the services on the Consul UI: http://localhost:8500/ui/dc1/services

Step 5 - Reverse Proxy

In demo-Full, you can find how to set up your reverse proxy.

Use the preparation as in Step 4, as you need a running Consul stack

# inside vagrant
# cd Environment
# vagrant up
./traefik -c traefik.toml

You can see the dynamic configuration in traefik when you navigate your browser to http://localhost:4888


Infrastructure As Microservice Talk






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