This package is built upon the v2.0 of the FreeNAS API.
composer require sandwave-io/freenas-php
$freenas = new \SandwaveIo\FreeNAS\RestClient(
'', // base url
'root', // user
'SuperSecretPassword123' // password
// This example shows how to create a dataset, and a user that has access rights to that dataset.
$dataset = $freenas->createDataset(
'store01', // pool
'my-dataset', // dataset
20 * 1024**3 // size in bytes
$user = $freenas->createUser(
1001, // uid
'my-user', // username
$dataset->getMountPoint(), // homedir
'SuperSecretUserPassword123' // password
Feel free to create a PR if you have any ideas for improvements. Or create an issue.
- When adding code, make sure to add tests for it (phpunit).
- Make sure the code adheres to our coding standards (use php-cs-fixer to check/fix).
- Also make sure PHPStan does not find any bugs.
vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix
vendor/bin/phpstan analyze
vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text
These tools will also run in GitHub actions on PR's and pushes on master.