This is the rest API application. You can play the Rock Paper Scissors game with the computer as a player.
- Java
- Spring Framework
- Spring Boot
- Lambok
- Swagger Ui
- Play module
- Easy to assess route
- All test cases using JUnit
- Swagger UI
- The player will get a proper response(computer choice and final result) from the application
- The player will get a proper error message if an error or exception occurs
- Player choice paper and auto-generated computer choice rock then the Player won here
- Player choice rock and auto-generated computer choice paper then the Computer won here
- Player choice scissors and auto-generated computer choice scissors then game tie
#changing the server port
- server.port=8888
#Whether a "NoHandlerFoundException" should be thrown if no Handler was found to process a request.
- spring.mvc.throw-exception-if-no-handler-found=true
- spring.web.resources.add-mappings=false