These are the accumulated frequent questions/codes practiced via leetcode potd & from other related data structures preperation sources.
Strengthened the grasp on the basic data structures: Arrays,Strings,StringBuilders,ArrayList,LinkedList,Stacks & Queues,Trees(binary,avl,segment),Heap,HashSet,HashMap etc; by solving each concept related questions frequently.
Familiarized and practiced Searching(linear & binary) and Sorting(insertion,bubble,selection,cyclic,bucket,radix,heap sort) algorithms adequately.
Solved neetcode blind75 list of questions,leetcode POTD (on most days) and related hackerrank questions to attain a strong foundation on the concepts.
Attentively learnt concepts like recursion & backtracking, via rigorous practice.
Worked on learning advanced algorithms : kadanes,sliding window,karp-rabin,huffman coding,range query Mo's algo etc.
Fluent in object oriented programming in Java (Generics,Collection framework,Packages and principles(abstraction,encapsulation,polymorphism,inheritance) and other layered concepts)
Aspiring to inculcate advanced data structures(graphs, dynamic programming, and greedy methods) to layer dsa foundation.