A site for the management of clear statuses for super-random enthusiasts of pop'n music.
pipenv install
cp .env.sample .env
vi .env # edit it
pipenv run docker_up
pipenv run test
Below is a list of Django's custom commands.
Fetch music information from the S-Random Difficulty Table and export it to a CSV file.
python manage.py scraping [--silent]
Import music information from a CSV file and update the database accordingly.
python manage.py update_music
Migrate all clear data from one user (source) to another user (destination).
Note: Clear data from the source user cannot be recovered after migration.
python manage.py data_migration <migration source username> <migration destination username>
Export clear data for premium users to CSV files.
Files are saved in csv/export/<username>.csv
python manage.py export2csv
Deactivate a specific user account and permanently delete its clear data.
Note: Once deleted, clear data cannot be recovered.
python manage.py delete_account <username>