Build your own pkgng
repo and host it in AWS! This terraform module allows you to build pkgs on the fly
and the host the repo out of s3
. Currently it will turn the poudriere
autoscaling group to 0 after it
is done building.
NOTE: Running this module in AWS will result in charges. Please be aware.
Run the following outside and push it to s3 bucket
openssl genrsa -out ./poudriere.key 4096
openssl rsa -in ./poudriere.key -pubout -out ./
aws s3 cp poudriere.key s3://<secure_bucket>/path/poudriere.key
Example of using the module:
module "poudriere" {
source = "./terraform-poudriere"
aws_region = "${var.aws_region}"
vpc_id = "${}"
aws_subnet_id = "${}"
ssh_key_name = "secret_ssh_key"
pkg_s3_bucket = ""
signing_s3_key = "12345678-secure/poudriere/poudriere.key"
Use the following awscli
command to look up specific AMIs for
FreeBSD 11.1
in region us-east-1
aws ec2 describe-images --owners 782442783595 \
--filters "Name=name,Values='FreeBSD 11.1-STABLE-amd64*'" "Name=root-device-type,Values=ebs" \
--query 'sort_by(Images, &CreationDate)[].[ImageId, Name]'
NOTE: the account id 782442783595 is the account thats hosting the FreeBSD offical images.
First check the boostrap.log on the ec2
less /var/log/bootstrap.log
Check a failed build check compile flags in:
less /data/logs/bulk/
If your build fails and you notice the in build logs a similar error:
--End resource limits--
=======================<phase: check-sanity >============================
/!\ ERROR: /!\
Ports Collection support for your FreeBSD version has ended, and no ports are
guaranteed to build on this system. Please upgrade to a supported release.
No support will be provided if you silence this message by defining
*** Error code 1
This is due to the version of FreeBSD being built is no longer supported, you need to add the following to
your make.conf
Please consider updating the version of the AMI and the jail you are building against