equinox-config-builder is a simple utility to generate equinox config.ini. More precisely it allows to generate the osgi.bundles property from an "eclipse" directory containing a list of plugins and fragments.
## Build status
java -jar equinox-config-builder-1.0.1.jar <eclipseDirectory> [<defaultStartLevel> [<bundleStartLevelsPropertyFile>]]
eclipseDirectory: the eclipse directory that should contains a plugins subdirectory and where configuration/config.ini will be generated. defaultStartLevel: the value to use for osgi.bundles.defaultStartLevel. When not specified defaults to 4 bundleStartLevelsPropertyFile: a property file to specify start level for bundles that should not use defaultStartLevel. The property file should use bundle symbolic name as key and start level as value e.g. org.eclipse.equinox.common=2
### From Ant
<taskdef resource="com/sarod/equinox/config/builder/ant/antlib.xml" classpath="equinox-config-builder-1.0.1.jar"/>
<equinox-config-builder defaultstartlevel="4" eclipsedirectory="${eclipse.dir}">
<!-- Optionally specify start level for some bundles using their symbolic names -->
<bundlestartlevel bundlename="com.sarod.bundle1" startlevel="2"/>
mvn clean install