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C# SDK for Satori RTM

NuGet Pre Release

Satori is a cloud-based, live data ecosystem that manages any form of schema-less real-time live data as it happens. The ecosystem includes a fast and scalable messaging engine known as RTM. Use the C# SDK for Satori RTM to create mobile, desktop or server-based applications that communicate with the RTM to publish and subscribe.

Target Frameworks

  • .NET Standard 1.3+ (Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.iOS, .NET Framework, Mono, etc)
  • Mono / .NET 4.5+
  • Unity 5.6+ (Standalone, iOS, Android)



To install C# SDK for Satori RTM, run the following command in the Package Manager Console:

PM> Install-Package Satori.RTM.SDK

Alternatively, install the package via the user interface provided by Visual Studio or Xamarin Studio.

The package is hosted on Nuget Gallery.


To add C# SDK for Satori RTM to a Unity project, copy the following files from Quickstart on GitHub to the Assets folder:

  • link.xml
  • Newtonsoft.Json.dll
  • Satori.RTM.Unity.dll


The various documentation is available:


All log messages are received by listeners in Trace.Listeners collection. For example, in order to direct log messages to the console, add ConsoleTraceListener to Trace.Listeners collection:

using System.Diagnostics;
Trace.Listeners.Add(new ConsoleTraceListener());

Read about Trace Listeners on MSDN

By default, verbosity level is warning. Verbosity of the different components of C# SDK can be set separately:

using Satori.Rtm;

Using HTTPS proxy

The SDK supports working through an HTTPS proxy. The following is an example how to set a proxy server:

IRtmClient client = new RtmClientBuilder("YOUR_ENDPOINT", "YOUR_APPKEY")
    .SetHttpsProxy(new Uri(""))

This functionality is available when running on .NET Framework. Proxy options are ignored on Mono (including Xamarin and Unity).


.NET, Mono, Xamarin

  1. Open Satori.VS.sln with Visual Studio 2017 on Windows.
  2. Build the Satori.RTM.Portable and Satori.RTM.Net45 projects


  1. Open Satori.VS.sln with Visual Studio 2017 on Windows.
  2. Build the Satori.RTM.Unity project

Note, the Satori.RTM.Unity project must be built by msbuild (Visual Studio). Assemblies, built by xbuild (Xamarin Studio), won't work.

Running Tests

Tests require credentials to establish connection to Satori endpoint. Credentials should be provided in the following format:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="14.0" xmlns="">
  	<Endpoint>wss://<SATORI HOST>/</Endpoint>
  	<Appkey><APP KEY></Appkey>
  	<AuthRoleName><ROLE NAME></AuthRoleName>
  	<AuthRoleSecretKey><ROLE SECRET KEY></AuthRoleSecretKey>
  	<AuthRestrictedChannel><CHANNEL NAME></AuthRestrictedChannel>
  • Endpoint is your customer-specific DNS name for RTM access.
  • Appkey is your application key.
  • AuthRoleName is a role name that permits to publish / subscribe to AuthRestrictedChannel. Must be not default.
  • AuthRoleSecretKey is a secret key for AuthRoleName.
  • AuthRestrictedChannel is a channel with subscribe and publish access for AuthRoleName role only.

You must use DevPortal to create role and set channel permissions.

To replace placeholders in the SDK source code with the provided credentials:

  1. Save the credentials to the ..\Satori.RTM.Credentials.props path, relative to the Satori.VS.sln file
  2. Build the ApplyCredentials.csproj project
  3. To revert changes back, run the Clean task of the ApplyCredentials.csproj project

.NET/Mono 4.5

Tests for .NET/Mono 4.6 can be run in the similar way. The project with tests for .NET 4.6 is called Satori.RTM.Test.Net46.

Command line on Windows

nuget restore Satori.VS.sln -ConfigFile nuget.config
msbuild tests\integration\Satori.RTM.Test.Net45\Satori.RTM.Test.Net45.csproj /t:RunTests /p:Configuration=Release

Command line on Linux/Mac

nuget restore Satori.XS.sln -ConfigFile nuget.config
xbuild tests/integration/Satori.RTM.Test.Net45/Satori.RTM.Test.Net45.csproj /t:RunTests /p:Configuration=Release

Visual Studio 2017

  1. Build the tests/integration/Satori.RTM.Test.Net45 project
  2. Click 'Test > Run > All Tests' in the top menu

Xamarin Studio

  1. Build the tests/integration/Satori.RTM.Test.Net45 project
  2. Click 'Run > Run Unit tests' in the top menu
  3. Click 'View > Pads > Test Results' to view test results


Tu run tests for Xamarin (Android or iOS) on a device or simulator:

  1. Build the tests/integration/Satori.RTM.Test.Android (or .iOS) project with Visual Studio 2017
  2. Start this project. It deploys the test app on the device.
  3. Run tests using the UI of the deployed app


To run tests for Unity on a device:

  1. Open the tests/integration/Satori.RTM.Test.Unity/Satori.RTM.TestRunner/ folder in the Unity Editor
  2. Switch to one of the platforms in Build Settings: Standalone, Android, or iOS
  3. Click 'Window > Test Runner' in the top menu
  4. Select the PlayMode tab
  5. Press the 'Run all in player' button

Code Style

We follow C# Coding Style of .NET Core Libraries (CoreFX) project. Code style is enforced by StyleCop. Not all StyleCop rules are enabled.