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Refactor single-file script loading, fix Roslyn workspace syncronisat…
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…ion (add support changing project references)

Fixes dotnet#2916, fixes dotnet#1944
  • Loading branch information
saul committed Apr 25, 2017
1 parent 2723cb4 commit eedfcea
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Showing 6 changed files with 168 additions and 124 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions vsintegration/src/FSharp.Editor/FSharp.Editor.fsproj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -222,6 +222,10 @@
<Reference Include="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.12.0">
<Reference Include="Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop">
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214 changes: 123 additions & 91 deletions vsintegration/src/FSharp.Editor/LanguageService/LanguageService.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ type internal FSharpCheckerWorkspaceServiceFactory
upcast { new FSharpCheckerWorkspaceService with
member this.Checker = checkerProvider.Checker
member this.ProjectInfoManager = projectInfoManager }

[<ProvideLanguageEditorOptionPage(typeof<OptionsUI.IntelliSenseOptionPage>, "F#", null, "IntelliSense", "6008")>]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -248,77 +248,116 @@ and
inherit AbstractLanguageService<FSharpPackage, FSharpLanguageService>(package)

let projectInfoManager = package.ComponentModel.DefaultExportProvider.GetExport<ProjectInfoManager>().Value
let textViewAdapter = package.ComponentModel.GetService<IVsEditorAdaptersFactoryService>()
let runningDocumentTable = package.GetService<SVsRunningDocumentTable>() :?> IVsRunningDocumentTable4

let projectDisplayNameOf projectFileName =
if String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace projectFileName then projectFileName
if String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace projectFileName
then projectFileName
else Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension projectFileName

let projectContexts = ConcurrentDictionary<ProjectId, IWorkspaceProjectContext>()
let singleFileProjects = ConcurrentDictionary<ProjectId, AbstractProject>()

let singleFileProjects = ConcurrentDictionary<_, AbstractProject>()

let tryRemoveSingleFileProject projectId =
let tryRemoveSingleFileProjectById projectId =
match singleFileProjects.TryRemove(projectId) with
| true, project ->
| _ -> ()
| _ ->

let tryRemoveSingleFileProjectByName fileName =
|> Seq.tryFind (fun (KeyValue(_, project)) ->
|> Seq.exists (fun doc -> doc.FilePath.Equals(fileName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
|> Option.iter (fun (KeyValue(id, _)) ->
tryRemoveSingleFileProjectById id

// Ideally we'd move this over to Roslyn's MiscellaneousFilesWorkspace, but we can't do that
// until 15.3. We can just implement the barebones of what we need with respect to file
// tracking with the running document table.

interface IVsRunningDocTableEvents with
member this.OnAfterAttributeChange(_docCookie: uint32, _grfAttribs: uint32): int =
member this.OnAfterDocumentWindowHide(_docCookie: uint32, _pFrame: IVsWindowFrame): int =
member this.OnAfterFirstDocumentLock(_docCookie: uint32, _dwRDTLockType: uint32, _dwReadLocksRemaining: uint32, _dwEditLocksRemaining: uint32): int =
member this.OnAfterSave(_docCookie: uint32): int =
member this.OnBeforeDocumentWindowShow(_docCookie: uint32, _fFirstShow: int, _pFrame: IVsWindowFrame): int =
member this.OnBeforeLastDocumentUnlock(docCookie: uint32, _dwRDTLockType: uint32, dwReadLocksRemaining: uint32, dwEditLocksRemaining: uint32): int =
if dwReadLocksRemaining + dwEditLocksRemaining = 0u then
runningDocumentTable.GetDocumentMoniker docCookie
|> tryRemoveSingleFileProjectByName
|> ignore


interface IVsRunningDocTableEvents2 with
member this.OnAfterAttributeChange(_docCookie: uint32, _grfAttribs: uint32): int =
member this.OnAfterDocumentWindowHide(_docCookie: uint32, _pFrame: IVsWindowFrame): int =
member this.OnAfterFirstDocumentLock(_docCookie: uint32, _dwRDTLockType: uint32, _dwReadLocksRemaining: uint32, _dwEditLocksRemaining: uint32): int =
member this.OnAfterSave(_docCookie: uint32): int =
member this.OnBeforeDocumentWindowShow(_docCookie: uint32, _fFirstShow: int, _pFrame: IVsWindowFrame): int =
member this.OnBeforeLastDocumentUnlock(_docCookie: uint32, _dwRDTLockType: uint32, _dwReadLocksRemaining: uint32, _dwEditLocksRemaining: uint32): int =
member this.OnAfterAttributeChangeEx(docCookie: uint32, grfAttribs: uint32, _pHierOld: IVsHierarchy, _itemidOld: uint32, pszMkDocumentOld: string, _pHierNew: IVsHierarchy, _itemidNew: uint32, pszMkDocumentNew: string): int =
// Did we rename?
if grfAttribs &&& uint32 __VSRDTATTRIB.RDTA_MkDocument <> 0u then
tryRemoveSingleFileProjectByName pszMkDocumentOld
this.TrackDocument pszMkDocumentNew

// The document is now initialized, we should try tracking it
if grfAttribs &&& uint32 __VSRDTATTRIB3.RDTA_DocumentInitialized <> 0u then
runningDocumentTable.GetDocumentMoniker docCookie
|> this.TrackDocument


override this.Initialize() =

this.Workspace.Options <- this.Workspace.Options.WithChangedOption(Completion.CompletionOptions.BlockForCompletionItems, FSharpConstants.FSharpLanguageName, false)
this.Workspace.Options <- this.Workspace.Options.WithChangedOption(Shared.Options.ServiceFeatureOnOffOptions.ClosedFileDiagnostic, FSharpConstants.FSharpLanguageName, Nullable false)

this.Workspace.DocumentClosed.Add <| fun args ->
tryRemoveSingleFileProject args.Document.Project.Id
let cookie = ref 0u
(runningDocumentTable :?> IVsRunningDocumentTable).AdviseRunningDocTableEvents(this, cookie) |> ignore

Events.SolutionEvents.OnAfterCloseSolution.Add <| fun _ ->
singleFileProjects.Keys |> Seq.iter tryRemoveSingleFileProject
Events.SolutionEvents.OnAfterOpenProject.Add <| fun args ->
match args.Hierarchy with
| :? IProvideProjectSite as siteProvider ->
this.SetupProjectFile(siteProvider, this.Workspace)
| _ -> ()

let rec setupProjectsAfterSolutionOpen() =
async {
let openedProjects = MailboxProcessor.Start <| fun inbox ->
async {
// waits for AfterOpenSolution and then starts projects setup
do! Async.AwaitEvent Events.SolutionEvents.OnAfterOpenSolution |> Async.Ignore

while true do
let! siteProvider = inbox.Receive()
this.SetupProjectFile(siteProvider, this.Workspace)

// Post F# project opens to the mailbox processor
let projectOpenListener =
|> Observable.subscribe (fun args ->
match args.Hierarchy with
| :? IProvideProjectSite as siteProvider ->
openedProjects.Post siteProvider
| _ -> ()

// Wait until the solution closes to keep listening to these events
// Then cleanup the processor and the listener and recurse to run again
do! Async.AwaitEvent Events.SolutionEvents.OnAfterCloseSolution |> Async.Ignore

(openedProjects :> IDisposable).Dispose()

do! setupProjectsAfterSolutionOpen()

setupProjectsAfterSolutionOpen() |> Async.StartImmediate
Events.SolutionEvents.OnAfterCloseSolution.Add <| fun _ ->
singleFileProjects.Keys |> Seq.iter tryRemoveSingleFileProjectById

let theme = package.ComponentModel.DefaultExportProvider.GetExport<ISetThemeColors>().Value

/// Sync the information for the project
member this.SyncProject(project: AbstractProject, projectContext: IWorkspaceProjectContext, site: IProjectSite, forceUpdate) =
let hashSetIgnoreCase x = HashSet<string>(x, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
let updatedFiles = site.SourceFilesOnDisk() |> hashSetIgnoreCase
let workspaceFiles = project.GetCurrentDocuments() |> file -> file.FilePath) |> hashSetIgnoreCase

let mutable updated = forceUpdate

// Synchronise source files
let updatedFiles = site.SourceFilesOnDisk() |> hashSetIgnoreCase
let workspaceFiles = project.GetCurrentDocuments() |> file -> file.FilePath) |> hashSetIgnoreCase

for file in updatedFiles do
if not(workspaceFiles.Contains(file)) then
Expand All @@ -328,7 +367,7 @@ and
updated <- true

// Synchronise assembly references
let updatedRefs = site.AssemblyReferences() |> Seq.filter (String.IsNullOrEmpty >> not) |> hashSetIgnoreCase
let workspaceRefs = project.GetCurrentMetadataReferences() |> ref -> ref.FilePath) |> hashSetIgnoreCase

Expand All @@ -340,39 +379,43 @@ and
if not(updatedRefs.Contains(ref)) then
updated <- true


let getProject = project.Workspace.CurrentSolution.GetProject
// Synchronise project references
let getProjectContextByName name =
|> Seq.find (fun context -> context.ProjectFilePath.Equals(name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

let updatedProjects =
ProjectSitesAndFiles.GetReferencedProjectSites (site, this.SystemServiceProvider)
|> (fun s -> s.ProjectFileName())
|> hashSetIgnoreCase
let workspaceProjects =
|> ref -> (getProject ref.ProjectId).FilePath)
|> ref -> projectContexts.[ref.ProjectId].ProjectFilePath)
|> hashSetIgnoreCase

for referencedSite in do
let referencedProjectId = setup referencedSite
project.AddProjectReference(ProjectReference referencedProjectId)

// update the cached options
for projectName in updatedProjects do
if not(workspaceProjects.Contains(projectName)) then
projectContext.AddProjectReference(getProjectContextByName projectName, MetadataReferenceProperties())
updated <- true
for projectName in workspaceProjects do
if not(updatedProjects.Contains(projectName)) then
projectContext.RemoveProjectReference(getProjectContextByName projectName)
updated <- true

if updated then
projectInfoManager.UpdateProjectInfo(project.Id, site, project.Workspace)

member this.SetupProjectFile(siteProvider: IProvideProjectSite, workspace: VisualStudioWorkspaceImpl) =
let projectContextFactory = package.ComponentModel.GetService<IWorkspaceProjectContextFactory>()

let rec setup (site: IProjectSite) =
let projectGuid = Guid(site.ProjectGuid)
let projectGuid = Guid site.ProjectGuid
let projectFileName = site.ProjectFileName()
let projectDisplayName = projectDisplayNameOf projectFileName
let projectId = workspace.ProjectTracker.GetOrCreateProjectIdForPath(projectFileName, projectDisplayName)

if isNull (workspace.ProjectTracker.GetProject projectId) then
let projectContextFactory = package.ComponentModel.GetService<IWorkspaceProjectContextFactory>();
let errorReporter = ProjectExternalErrorReporter(projectId, "FS", this.SystemServiceProvider)

let hierarchy =
Expand All @@ -390,6 +433,12 @@ and
FSharpConstants.FSharpLanguageName, projectDisplayName, projectFileName, projectGuid, hierarchy, null, errorReporter)

let project = projectContext :?> AbstractProject
projectContexts.[projectId] <- projectContext

// Recursively create any referenced projects.
// We need the project IDs in the projectContexts dictionary for SyncProject
ProjectSitesAndFiles.GetReferencedProjectSites (site, this.SystemServiceProvider)
|> Seq.iter setup

// Syncronise the project with Roslyn and update the cached project info
// if necessary.
Expand All @@ -412,21 +461,15 @@ and

for referencedSite in ProjectSitesAndFiles.GetReferencedProjectSites (site, this.SystemServiceProvider) do
let referencedProjectId = setup referencedSite
project.AddProjectReference(ProjectReference referencedProjectId)

setup (siteProvider.GetProjectSite()) |> ignore
setup (siteProvider.GetProjectSite())

member this.SetupStandAloneFile(fileName: string, fileContents: string, workspace: VisualStudioWorkspaceImpl, hier: IVsHierarchy) =

let loadTime = DateTime.Now
let options = projectInfoManager.ComputeSingleFileOptions (fileName, loadTime, fileContents, workspace) |> Async.RunSynchronously

let projectFileName = fileName
let projectDisplayName = projectDisplayNameOf projectFileName

let projectId = workspace.ProjectTracker.GetOrCreateProjectIdForPath(projectFileName, projectDisplayName)
projectInfoManager.AddSingleFileProject(projectId, (loadTime, options))

Expand All @@ -448,24 +491,13 @@ and
override this.DebuggerLanguageId = DebuggerEnvironment.GetLanguageID()

override this.CreateContext(_,_,_,_,_) = raise(System.NotImplementedException())

override this.SetupNewTextView(textView) =

let textViewAdapter = package.ComponentModel.GetService<IVsEditorAdaptersFactoryService>()

match textView.GetBuffer() with
| (VSConstants.S_OK, textLines) ->
let filename = VsTextLines.GetFilename textLines
match VsRunningDocumentTable.FindDocumentWithoutLocking(package.RunningDocumentTable,filename) with
| Some (hier, _) ->
match hier with
| :? IProvideProjectSite as siteProvider when not (IsScript(filename)) ->
this.SetupProjectFile(siteProvider, this.Workspace)
| _ ->
let fileContents = VsTextLines.GetFileContents(textLines, textViewAdapter)
this.SetupStandAloneFile(filename, fileContents, this.Workspace, hier)
| _ -> ()

member this.TrackDocument(fileName) =
match VsRunningDocumentTable.FindDocumentWithoutLocking(package.RunningDocumentTable, fileName) with
| Some (:? IProvideProjectSite as siteProvider, _) when not (IsScript fileName) ->
this.SetupProjectFile(siteProvider, this.Workspace)
| Some (hier, textLines) when IsScript fileName ->
let fileContents = VsTextLines.GetFileContents(textLines, textViewAdapter)
this.SetupStandAloneFile(fileName, fileContents, this.Workspace, hier)
| _ -> ()

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ public override string Url
return this.myAssemblyPath;
return Path.GetFullPath(this.myAssemblyPath);

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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ private string GetReferencedProjectOutputPath()
// build the full path adding the name of the assembly to the output path.
outputPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(outputPath, assemblyName);

return outputPath;
return System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(outputPath);


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