Box2D v2.3.1 as native Node.js addon.
Box2D compiled as static library, Node.js C++ addon produced by swig.
Requires curl
, make
, cmake
, g++
. See also requirements for building swig and node-gyp
Install with NPM:
npm install node-gyp -g
npm install box2d-native
IMPORTANT: Installation tested only on Linux with Node.js >= 4.2.1 and gc++ 4.9.
import {World, Vec2, BodyDef, Body} from 'box2d-native';
let world = new World(gravity);
let body = world.CreateBody(new BodyDef());
world.Step(1 / 60, 3, 3);
Original "namespaced" Box2D classes (b2Vec2
, b2World
...) are also exposed.
IMPORTANT: Runs only with Node.js v4.2.1
npm install node-gyp -g
git checkout
cd box2d-native/demo
npm install
npm start
Results from bench2d (i7 2.9GHZ, 4GB RAM, Ubuntu 15.04):
box2d.js: ms/frame: 3.5537109375 5th %ile: 3 95th %ile: 4
box2d-native: ms/frame: 1.689453125 5th %ile: 1 95th %ile: 2
- Improve demo (implement all stuff from C++ Box2D testbed).
- Refactor build, use more convenient tool.
- Provide more benchmark results to compare with.
- Tests.