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Stats Overlay v1.1.0

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@sbplat sbplat released this 11 Aug 15:22
· 4 commits to main since this release
  • Version 1.1.0 release


  • added mini walls (change the mode in config.json)
  • fixed displayMode always being "overall"
  • more compact chat support


  1. Download the zip file below ( and extract it.
  2. Run Overlay.exe to automatically generate the config.json file and then close the overlay.
  3. Navigate to the assets folder, modify the config.json file accordingly and save the file.
  4. Open Overlay.exe again. The changes you made should be applied!
  5. Test the overlay by going in game and typing /who in chat. The overlay should update the player stats if setup correctly.

Other platforms

Not supported yet.


Read the most recent overlay log file and look for [main/error]

Invalid apiKey

Generate a new one by running /api new in Hypixel

Could not update UUID, Could not update skin URL

This is a common error. You can try waiting a few seconds and this usually temporarily fixes the issue. (For more information, see

SDL (#): ...

SDL error.

There's no error, but the overlay doesn't update

Make sure the Minecraft log file is set correctly. The log file must be the exact one from the current Minecraft instance you're playing on. You can test if the log file is correct by typing something in the chat and seeing if it updates in the Minecraft log file.