sbt-play-raml is a sbt plugin bringing RAML style route definitions to the playframework.
It replaces the default routes definition syntax used in conf/routes
with RAML (
The library is still under heavy development. The library is not yet published (you need to publish it localy). Feel free to try it out or contribute.
1. Add the following lines to your sbt plugins file project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("com.scalableminds" %% "sbt-play-raml" % "0.1-SNAPSHOT")
2. Tell play where to find the compiled routes by adding the following line to your configuration.conf
3. Create your RAML routes file in conf/api.raml
(the file extension MUST be .raml and the file name must match the path of application.router):
#%RAML 0.8
title: My first API
version: v1
description: |
description: |"/public", file)