numeral - Format and manipulate numbers.
A javascript library for formatting and manipulating numbers.
$ sbt clean publish-local
Before running the tests the first time, you must ensure the npm packages are installed:
$ npm install
Then you can run the tests:
$ sbt test
Create an instance of a numeral. Numeral takes numbers or strings that it trys to convert into a number.
import io.scalajs.npm.numeral.Numeral
val myNumeral = Numeral(1000)
val value = myNumeral.value() // 1000
val myNumeral2 = Numeral("1,000")
val value2 = myNumeral2.value() // 1000
Input | Value |
Numeral(974) | 974 |
Numeral(0.12345) | 0.12345 |
Numeral("10,000.12") | 10000.12 |
Numeral("23rd") | 23 |
Numeral("$10,000.00") | 10000 |
Numeral("100B") | 100 |
Numeral("3.467TB") | 3467000000000 |
Numeral("-76%") | -0.76 |
Numeral("2:23:57") | NaN |
Numbers can be formatted to look like currency, percentages, times, or even plain old numbers with decimal places, thousands, and abbreviations. And you can always create a custom format.
import io.scalajs.npm.numeral._
val string = Numeral(1000).format("0,0") // "1,000"
Number | Format | String |
10000 | "0,0.0000" | 10,000.0000 |
10000.23 | "0,0" | 10,000 |
10000.23 | "+0,0" | +10,000 |
-10000 | "0,0.0" | -10,000.0 |
10000.1234 | "0.000" | 10000.123 |
10000.1234 | "0[.]00000" | 10000.12340 |
-10000 | "(0,0.0000)" | (10,000.0000) |
-0.23 | ".00" | -.23 |
-0.23 | "(.00)" | (.23) |
0.23 | "0.00000" | 0.23000 |
0.23 | "0.0[0000]" | 0.23 |
1230974 | "0.0a" | 1.2m |
1460 | "0 a" | 1 k |
-104000 | "0a" | -104k |
1 | "0o" | 1st |
100 | "0o" | 100th |
To add the Numeral
binding to your project, add the following to your build.sbt:
libraryDependencies += "io.scalajs.npm" %%% "numeral" % "0.5.0"
Optionally, you may add the Sonatype Repository resolver:
resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("releases")