Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:
composer require scaleflex/sylius-filerobot-plugin
This command requires you to have Composer installed globally, as explained in the installation chapter of the Composer documentation.
Then, enable the plugin by adding it to the list of registered plugins/bundles in config/bundles.php file of your project:
# config/bundles.php
return [
// ...
Scaleflex\SyliusFilerobotPlugin\ScaleflexSyliusFilerobotPlugin::class => ['all' => true],
bin/console doctrine:migration:diff
bin/console doctrine:migration:migrate
bin/console cache:clear
Create file in config/routes/scaleflex_sylius_filerobot.yaml
and add content bellow
# config/routes/scaleflex_sylius_filerobot.yaml
resource: "@ScaleflexSyliusFilerobotPlugin/Resources/config/routing.yaml"
Change form theme {% form_theme form '@ScaleflexSyliusFilerobotPlugin/Admin/Form/imagesTheme.html.twig' %}
in your templates/bundles/SyliusAdminBundle/Product/Tab/_media.html.twig
{% form_theme form '@ScaleflexSyliusFilerobotPlugin/Admin/Form/imagesTheme.html.twig' %}
<div class="ui tab" data-tab="media">
<h3 class="ui top attached header">{{ ''|trans }}</h3>
<div class="ui attached segment">
{{ form_row(form.images, {'label': false}) }}
{{ sylius_template_event(['sylius.admin.product.' ~ action ~ '.tab_media', 'sylius.admin.product.tab_media'], {'form': form}) }}
Change grid thumbnail column template
# config/package/_sylius.yaml
template: "@ScaleflexSyliusFilerobotPlugin/Admin/Product/Grid/Field/image.html.twig"
# config/package/sylius_ui.yaml
filerobot_script: '@ScaleflexSyliusFilerobotPlugin\Admin\filerobotScript.html.twig'
Create a file config/packages/scaleflex_filerobot.yaml
and add content bellow
- { resource: "@ScaleflexSyliusFilerobotPlugin/Resources/config/filters.yaml"}
Goto Scaleflex Filerobot under Configuration
You can only enable if token, security template id are correct
- Activation: Enable/Disable Filerobot plugin
- Filerobot Token: Your Filerobot token
- Security Template Identifier: Your security template ID
- Filerobot upload directory: Folder path to your asset, ie /magento
The Filerobot plugin provide some twig method, filter support developer
: Twig function check if image is filerobot -
: Twig Filter, with image size, you can add more filter inconfig/package/scaleflex_filerobot.yaml
scaleflex_sylius_filerobot: filters: custom_size: { width: 120, height: 120 }
and in Twig
We have some default size follow Sylius default, you can override it in filter config above
scaleflex_sylius_filerobot: filters: sylius_admin_product_large_thumbnail: { width: 550, height: 412 } sylius_admin_product_small_thumbnail: { width: 150, height: 112 } sylius_admin_product_tiny_thumbnail: { width: 64, height: 64 } sylius_admin_product_thumbnail: { width: 50, height: 50 } sylius_shop_product_tiny_thumbnail: { width: 64, height: 64 } sylius_shop_product_small_thumbnail: { width: 150, height: 112 } sylius_shop_product_thumbnail: { width: 260, height: 260 } sylius_shop_product_large_thumbnail: { width: 550, height: 412 } sylius_small: { width: 120, height: 120 }
If you use Scaleflex Filerobot on existing File you have to check the path is filerobot or not, if not use the default way
{% if product.imagesByType('thumbnail') is not empty %}
{% if is_filerobot(product.imagesByType('thumbnail').first.path) %}
{% set path = product.imagesByType('thumbnail').first.path|filerobot('sylius_shop_product_thumbnail') %}
{% else %}
{% set path = product.imagesByType('thumbnail').first.path|imagine_filter(filter|default('sylius_shop_product_thumbnail')) %}
{% endif %}
{% elseif product.images.first %}
{% if is_filerobot(product.images.first.path) %}
{% set path = product.images.first.path|filerobot('sylius_shop_product_thumbnail') %}
{% else %}
{% set path = product.images.first.path|imagine_filter(filter|default('sylius_shop_product_thumbnail')) %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% set path = asset('assets/shop/img/200x200.png') %}
{% endif %}
<img src="{{ path }}" {{ sylius_test_html_attribute('main-image') }} alt="{{ }}" class="ui bordered image" />
{% if product.imagesByType('main') is not empty %}
{% set source_path = product.imagesByType('main').first.path %}
{% if not is_filerobot(source_path) %}
{% set original_path = source_path|imagine_filter('sylius_shop_product_original') %}
{% set path = source_path|imagine_filter(filter|default('sylius_shop_product_large_thumbnail')) %}
{% else %}
{% set original_path = source_path|filerobot('sylius_shop_product_original') %}
{% set path = source_path|filerobot('sylius_shop_product_large_thumbnail') %}
{% endif %}
{% elseif product.images.first %}
{% set source_path = product.images.first.path %}
{% if not is_filerobot(source_path) %}
{% set original_path = source_path|imagine_filter('sylius_shop_product_original') %}
{% set path = source_path|imagine_filter(filter|default('sylius_shop_product_large_thumbnail')) %}
{% else %}
{% set original_path = source_path|filerobot('sylius_shop_product_original') %}
{% set path = source_path|filerobot('sylius_shop_product_large_thumbnail') %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% set original_path = asset('assets/shop/img/400x300.png') %}
{% set path = original_path %}
{% endif %}
<div data-product-image="{{ path }}" data-product-link="{{ original_path }}"></div>
<a href="{{ original_path }}" class="ui fluid image" data-lightbox="sylius-product-image">
<img src="{{ path }}" id="main-image" alt="{{ }}" {{ sylius_test_html_attribute('main-image') }} />
{% if product.images|length > 1 %}
<div class="ui divider"></div>
{{ sylius_template_event('', {'product': product}) }}
<div class="ui small images">
{% for image in product.images %}
{% set path = image.path is not null ? (is_filerobot(image.path) ? image.path|filerobot('sylius_shop_product_small_thumbnail') : image.path|imagine_filter('sylius_shop_product_small_thumbnail')) : asset('assets/shop/img/200x200.png') %}
<div class="ui image">
{% if product.isConfigurable() and product.enabledVariants|length > 0 %}
{% include '@SyliusShop/Product/Show/_imageVariants.html.twig' %}
{% endif %}
<a href="{{ is_filerobot(image.path) ? image.path|filerobot('sylius_shop_product_original') : image.path|imagine_filter('sylius_shop_product_original') }}" data-lightbox="sylius-product-image">
<img src="{{ path }}" data-large-thumbnail="{{ is_filerobot(image.path) ? image.path|filerobot('sylius_shop_product_large_thumbnail') : image.path|imagine_filter('sylius_shop_product_large_thumbnail') }}" alt="{{ }}" />
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}