Esper is a development environment that provides out-of-the-box integration for a variety of tools useful for analyzing videos, including:
- Scanner: high-performance parallel processing of videos
- Rekall: data representation and operations for spatiotemporal data in Python
- VGrid: visualizing metadata on videos using Python and Javascript
- Frameserver: dynamically extracting frames from a video
- Django: managing SQL models and serving web pages
- Spark: parallel analysis of metadata
Esper is kind of like Ruby on Rails but for video analytics. It provides a skeleton of a data science workbench that you can customize for your particular project, along with a set of useful utility functions, models, preinstalled dependencies, and so on.
First, install Docker CE, Python 3.5, jq, and pip. If you're on Ubuntu, you can install Python/pip/jq as follows:
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip jq
Ensure that you have Docker version >= 17.12, which you can check by running:
$ docker --version
Docker version 17.12.0-ce, build c97c6d6
Note: If you have a GPU and are running on Linux, then install nvidia-docker2. Set
device = "gpu-9.1-cudnn7
Next, you will need to configure your Esper installation.
$ git clone
$ cd esper
$ pip3 install -r docker/
$ python3 docker/ --config config/local.toml
$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker-compose run app bash --login -c "cd ui && npm install && npm run prepublishOnly"
If you're developing the Esper core platform or otherwise want to stay up to date with our dependencies, then you should clone and link our submodules.
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
$ docker-compose run app bash --login -c "./deps/"