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vdeo edited this page Dec 28, 2022 · 1 revision


  • Port from the google doc page "PDI Observing Procedure"
  • See also for synchronization with VAMPIRES: VAMPIRES wait for CHARIS.
  • Trying to distinguish FPDI with and without FLC (using FLC and nFLC below).

Get prepared

  • Waveplate unit

    • Open the waveplate unit VNC (vncviewer -shared
    • Start the WPU controller with garde$ obsSTARTgen2sum.
    • Move the HWP in the beam.
    • (Cals) Follow the calibration procedure.
    • (Obs) Enable ADI sync.
  • Coronagraphy

    • Identical to non-PDI modes.
  • Astrogrid

    • Binning should be 3 or 4 or the satellite spots will not clear the field stop in K band.
    • TBC if binning 2 clears the field stop in H for NIR-only observing.
  • Polarimetry

    • Field stop: field_stop 0; fine tune with field_stop <x|y> goto <value_in_mm>.
    • [CHARIS] charis_wollaston
    • [FPDI] ircam_wollaston
    • [FLC] ircam_flc in
  • HWP Synchronization (more below)

    • Kill any pre-existing instance of the HWP sync script: pgrep -lf hwpsync.
    • Choose every how-many CHARIS frames we want to switch the HWP. Doesn't matter to CHARIS, but switching too often reduces slightly the VAMPIRES and FPDI duty cycle. 1 minute max.
    • Spin up hwpsync with the appropriate options -c, -f and -v.
  • [FPDI] Adjust Apapane exposure / NDR / gain so it looks nice.

  • [FLC] Switch Apapane to external trigger. The display will freeze.

  • [FLC] Start the FLC with flc_trigger start <Apapane NDR>. The display should unfreeze.


  • Start CHARIS frames in gen2
  • Start CRED1 archiving with Ctrl+Shift+S.

Sanity checks.

  • Is the HWP moving?: Is the offset position updated on garde?
  • Am I getting the CHARIS syncs: hwpsync should be verbose on that.
  • Is the FLC working?: Put in the polarizer, it should blip left and right.
  • Is the HWP position reported?: the following results should change when the HWP moves.
    • scxkw-getsetpm x_BHWPAG (lowercase x)
    • scxkw-getsetpm RET-ANG1
    • (scexao6) ls $(ls -d /mnt/tier1/ARCHIVED_DATA/*/ | tail -n 1)/kcam/*.fits | tail -n 1 | xargs -I {} fitsheader {} | sort | grep RET-ANG1. This last one ensures the WP angle makes it all the way to archived FITS files.

HWP synchronization script

A single script handles HWP syncronization between CHARIS, NIR, and VAMPIRES. It should be started with the appropriate flags and will handle the rest.

Full path to script ~/src/software-main/bin/hwpsync.

    hwpsync <num> [-v] [-c] [-f] [-p <p>] [-d]

    -h, --help  Print this
    <num>       Number of CHARIS frames per position
    -v          Vampires PDI
    -c          CHARIS PDI
    -f          Fast PDI
    -p <p>      Port number [default: 18448]
    -d          Debug mode - no commands sent to Vampires/IRCS

🔧 More technical:

  • This will spin up a logfile parser on the CHARIS computer (and kill a pre-existing instance). The source code for this parser is in swmain/hwp/charis-feeder.
  • charis-feeder lets hwpsync know CHARIS has finished an exposure.
  • If it's been <num> frames:
    • If -f (NIR PDI): stop the FPDI FITS cube. Restart it after HWP movement. This ensures clean cubes per HWP position.
    • If -v: forward the trigger to VAMPIRES and don't move the HWP.
    • If not -c: CHARIS will not trigger for the HWP. This is replaced by a timer of 60 seconds.
  • Re-fetch the HWP position from garde, upload it to Redis, mark it in the FPDI SHM so we don't have 10-sec Redis round-trip delay in the FITS files.

Get done

  • Wollastons out; field_stop out
  • [FLC] FLC out, don't forget flc_trigger stop.
  • Retract the WPU on the garde computer.
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