A collection of awesome React tools, resources, videos and shiny things.
- Resources
- React General Resources
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- Tutorials
- React Tutorials
- React Native Tutorials
- React Native Gestures
- Relay and GraphQL Tutorials
- Isomorphic Apps
- Flux Tutorials
- Building Robust Web Apps with React
- Comprehensive Guide to Building Apps with React
- Scotch.io React tutorials series
- React styling
- React Charts Tutorials
- React and Backbone
- React and Angular
- React and Bootstrap
- React and ClojureScript
- React and CoffeeScript
- React and Haskell
- React and SocketIO
- Server-Client with React
- Server Side Rendering
- Compiling React Tutorials
- Testing React Tutorials
- Debugging React
- Authentication and Authorization
- File Uploads
- Approach Explanation
- React Internals
- Tools
- Flux Implementations
- React Native
- Mobile
- Relay and GraphQL
- Boilerplates
- Components
- Libraries
- Integration
- Routing
- Forms
- Autocomplete
- Unit Testing
- Documentation Tools
- Graphics
- Model Libraries
- Data Managing
- Development Environment
- Generating
- Compiling
- Platforms
- JSX Alternatives
- Template Engines
- Maps
- Charts
- Service Workers
- Videos
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channel on freenode - React StackOverflow
- React Discussion Forum
- React Twitter
- React #reactjs Twitter
- React SubReddit
- React Loop
- React Podcast
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channel on freenode - React Native StackOverflow
- React Native #reactnative Twitter
- React Native SubReddit
- React JSFiddle Integration with JSX
- React JSFiddle Integration without JSX
- React 0.13 CodePen Integration with ES6 and JSX
- React 0.13 JSBin Integration with JSX
- React JSX to JS Online Compiler
- React HTML to JSX Online Compiler
- Medium React Tutorials
- React beginner tutorial: Implementing the board game Go
- React.js Koans: Practical exercises that will help you learn React.js from square one
- Yo in React
- React PhoneCat: Rewriting the AngularJS Tutorial App in React
- Building a board game with React.js
- Trying Out ReactJS With the Marvel API
- Creating Chrome Extensions with React
- Working with jQuery UI Dialog and ReactJS components
- Using ReactJS and KendoUI Together
- Building dynamic forms with Facebook React
- React Tutorial: Two way data binding
- Simplifying Code with React
- A React.js case study follow-up
- Scroll Position with React
- Component Interop With React And Custom Elements
- Getting Started with React.js: Creating Material Design Components
- Using Firebase with ReactJS
- 5 Practical Examples For Learning The React Framework
- ReactJS for Stupid People
- WebRTC chat with React.js
- Learn React by building the Hacker News front page
- Play Framework and Facebook's React library
- Taking React to the next level: Mixins, Gulp, and Browserify
- Getting Started with React
- React Tips and Best Practices
- Building a Stateless Rails API with React and Twitter OAuth
- React Primer
- Mailbox in React
- React Mixins Explained By Example
- Best practices for building large React applications
- A Sortable List Component in React utilizing the HTML5 Drag & Drop API
- Set State in Callbacks in React
- Send Props to Children in React
- React Components for Cat Videos
- ReactJS: Keep Simple. Everything can be a component!
- Complex Drag and Drop Lists using React.js
- The Future of Drag and Drop APIs
- Coding with React like a Game Developer
- http://www.toptal.com/react/navigating-the-react-ecosystem
- Introducing React Native: Building Apps with JavaScript
- React Native Has Landed
- React Native Meets Async Functions
- Introduction to React Native: Building iOS Apps with JavaScript
- Introducing Relay and GraphQL
- Building The Facebook News Feed With Relay
- GraphQL Introduction
- Unofficial Relay FAQ
- isomorphic-tutorial - Tutorial app to demonstrate isomorphic JavaScript concepts
- Creating Isomorphic apps with React and Node.js
- isomorphic500 - Isomorphic JS app built with React and Fluxible
- JSX Specification
- JSX in Depth
- JSX extensions to Mozilla AST Format
- Compiling JSX with Sweet.js using Readtables
- JSX for the real DOM
- JSX: E4X The Good Parts
- JSX support in eslint
- Lint Like It’s 2015
- Flux Application Architecture
- Isomorphic Flux examples using Dispatchr and Fetchr from Yahoo
- Async requests with React.js and Flux
- Implementing Flux in CoffeeScript
- React: Flux Architecture
- Understanding Flux
- A sample app showcasing Flux with React Router
- Yo in Flux
- React.js architecture - Flux VS Reflux
- Avoiding Event Chains in Single Page Applications
- ReactJS and Flux
- Deconstructing ReactJS's Flux
- Flux Step By Step
- Flux in practice
- Flux for Stupid People
- What is the Flux Application Architecture?
- React + Flux Backed by Rails API: Part 1
- React + Flux Backed by Rails API: Part 2
- React + Flux Backed by Rails API: Part 3
- Introduction to Facebook's Flux architecture
- Flux solutions compared by example
- Flux Cargo-Culting
- The Case for Flux
- The Evolution of Flux Frameworks
- Building robust web apps with React: Part 1
- Building robust web apps with React: Part 2
- Building robust web apps with React: Part 3
- Building robust web apps with React: Part 4
- Part 1 - Comprehensive Guide to Building Apps with React
- Part 2 - Building React Applications with Gulp and Browserify
- Part 3 - Architecting React.js Apps with Flux
- Learning React.js: Getting Started and Concepts
- Build A Real-Time Twitter Stream with Node and React.js
- Getting To Know Flux, the React.js Architecture
- Creating A Simple Shopping Cart with React.js and Flux
- Using React components as Backbone Views
- Chicago Backbone Meetup: React + Backbone slides
- Pimp my Backbone.View
- NgReact - React Components in Angular
- ng-React Update - React 0.9 and Angular Track By
- Using React for Faster Renders and Isomosphism in Angular
- Faster AngularJS Rendering
- Improving AngularJS long list rendering performance using ReactJS
- How can React and Flux help us create better Angular applications?
- Achieving Reasonable and Scalable Routing in AngularJS with Flux
- Better Bootstrap modals and popover with React.js
- A mixin-based design for a React.js Bootstrap component library
- Popover mixin
- Bootstrap TabbedArea component with React.js
- Bootstrap forms using React.js
- The Future of JavaScript MVC Frameworks
- Om sweet Om
- The Case for React.js and ClojureScript
- A Reagent Framework For Writing SPAs
- Animating Web UI with React and Haskell
- stackage-view, built with Yesod and GHCJS+React
- TodoMVC example with Shade (Haste+React)
- react-haskell, to be used with Haste (blog post)
- blaze-react, blaze-html style React bindings using GHCJS (video tutorial)
- purescript-react bindings (example app)
- Socket.IO integration example
- Socket.IO integration example inside of a single React component
- Socket.IO integration employing separation of concerns
- Server/Client With React, Part 1: Getting Started
- Server/Client With React, Part 2: The Build System
- Server/Client With React, Part 3: Frontend Server
- Super-basic example of how server rendering works
- Server Side Rendering for ReactJS
- React Server Rendering
- JDK8 + Facebook React: Rendering single page apps on the server
- Server-side React with PHP – part 1
- Server-side React with PHP – part 2
- Server-rendered React components in Rails
- Server-rendered React + Flux in Rails
- Serverside React Rendering: Isomorphic JavaScript with ReactJS + Node
- Go React Serverside Rendering Eample
- Serverside rendering with React + Hapi
- Webpack Howto by Pete Hunt
- React Webpack Cookbook
- AMD and CommonJS examples with Webpack
- Integrating JSX live reload into your React workflow
- React JS and a browserify workflow, part1
- React JS and a browserify workflow, part2
- Choosing the correct packaging tool for React JS
- Testing Flux Applications
- Testing React Components
- Testing React components with Huxley
- Testing React.js
- Unit Testing React.js With Jasmine and Karma
- Unit testing React components without a DOM
- React: Convincing the Boss
- Why did we build React?
- Remarkable React
- Using React to speed up the Khan Academy question editor
- Getting your team to adopt new technology
- Arguing for ReactJS
- React Tutorial rewritten in plain javascript
- BirdWatch: AngularJS vs. ReactJS
- Scala.js and ReactJS
- Pros and Cons of Facebook's React vs. Web Components
- React.js plays nicely with other tools and other thoughts
- First Reactions
- Backbone to React
- Moving Atom to React
- Why we use React.js in our Rails projects
- ReactJS-Rethinking-Web-UI
- Removing User Interface Complexity, or Why React is Awesome
- Facebook React vs. Ember
- Moving From Backbone To React
- Pimp my Backbone.View (by replacing it with React)
- From Backbone Views To React
- React.js vs traditional MVC
- Why you might not need MVC with React.js
- React: Finally, a great server/client web stack
- React: Referencing Dynamic Children
- React.js and How Does It Fit In With Everything Else?
- JavaScript’s History and How it Led To ReactJS
- Saving Time and Staying Sane? Pros and Cons of React.js
- Opinionated Rundown of JS Frameworks
- Facebook's React vs AngularJS: A Closer Look
- Why We May Ditch AngularJS For React
- AngularJS vs React
- Why is React's js size so big given its small API?
- React Demystified
- Two-Way Data Binding
- React vs. Ember
- How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love React
- 10 reasons to use React in your next project
- AngularJS vs ReactJS for large web applications
- Easier UI Reasoning with Unidirectional Dataflow and Immutable Data - Using React.js and Omniscient.js
- From Backbone To React: Our Experience Scaling a Web Application
- Rebuilding HipChat with React.js
- Boiling React Down to a Few Lines of jQuery
- Use React Native
- React Native Components
- react-native-webpack-server - Build React Native apps with Webpack
- Flux Official Site
- Flux Comparision
- RefluxJS
- Fluxxor
- Flummox
- Marty
- McFly
- Alt
- DeLorean
- Fluxible
- Dispatchr
- Fetchr
- NuclearJS
- Redux
- WTFlux
- componentkit - A React-inspired view framework for iOS
- Reapp - A UI-kit with widgets and CLI to build mobile web apps
- graphql-js - A reference implementation of GraphQL for JavaScrip
- GraphQL Specification
- GraphpostgresQL - GraphQL for Postgres
- react-transmit - Relay-inspired library based on Promises
- graphqljs - GraphQL parser written in JavaScript
- graphqlite - An experimental implementation of Facebook's GraphQL
- GraphNoQL - Facebook's GraphQL backend implemented with Node+Mongo
- graphql-ruby - Ruby implementation of Facebook's GraphQL
- React Starter Kit - a skeleton of an "isomorphic" web application
- react-isomorphic-starterkit - somorphic starterkit with server-side React rendering
- essential-react - A minimal skeleton for building testable React apps using ES6
- este - Robust and comfortable dev stack for mobile/offline/frontend first isomorphic web apps
- react-starter - Starter template for React with webpack
- react-hot-boilerplate - Live-editing boilerplate for your next ReactJS project
- react-engine - A composite render engine for isomorphic express apps
- koa-react-full-example - Full example using Koa, React, Passport, Mongoose, Gulp, Mocha
- mullet - A React + Hapi Starter Kit
- React on Rails Starter Kit
- Coffee React Quickstart
- React + Webpack + Flux (Alt) + Isomorphic + Express + MongoDB boilerplate
- Babel Starter Kit - a boilerplate for authoring React.js libraries with ES6+, Babel
- React Components
- React Component List
- React.parts - A catalog of React components
- Khan Academy React Components
- VistarMedia Components
- Reactjsx Components List
- React Topcoat UI components
- react-material - Material design components written with React.js and React Style
- material-ui - A CSS Framework and a Set of React Components for Material Design
- react-touch - React photo viewer for mobile
- griddle - A simple grid component for use with React
- react-grid - Data grid for React
- react-absolute-grid - An absolutely positioned, animated, filterable, sortable, drag and droppable, ES6 grid for React
- react-async - Async rendering for React components
- react-async-input - Inputs that behave properly with async set{State,Props} calls
- react-mediaswitch - Choose your DOM based on media queries
- react-frame-component - Render your React app to an iFrame
- react-gravatar - React component for rendering a gravatar profile image
- markdown-react - React Render for Standard Markdown
- react-component-gallery — React component for creating an evenly spaced components
- react-markdown-textarea - Component to create textareas for entering Markdown
- react-textarea-autosize - Textarea component for React which grows with content
- react-spinner - Zero configuration loading spinner
- react-treeview - Easy, light, flexible tree view made with React
- react-tree-menu - A stateless tree menu component built with the Flux architecture in mind
- react-tween-state - React animation tween state
- react-swipe - Brad Birdsall's swipe.js, as a React component
- react-smart-time-ago - Show relative "time ago" dates
- react-autoupdate-time - Renders a element that autoupdates
- react-time - Component for React to render relative and/or formatted dates into
- react-crouton - A message component for reactjs
- react-ago-component - Renders the approximate time ago in words from a specific past date
- react-translate-component - Provides multi-lingual/localized text content
- react-lorem-component - Renders lorem ipsum placeholder text
- react-interpolate-component - Renders elements into a format string
- react-proxy-loader - Hot Module Replacement and Code Splitting
- RCSS - Turn your JavaScript objects into CSS classes
- ReactiveElements - Allows to use React.js component as HTML element
- react-chosen - React wrapper for Chosen jQuery
- react-inlinesvg - An SVG loader component for React
- react-imageloader - A React component for wrangling image loading
- react-loadqueueloader - A React component for managing loads with a load queue
- react-loadermixin - A React mixin for giving components loading behavior
- react-controlfacades - Style form controls but use their default behavior
- react-pressable - Add onRelease, onReleaseInside, onReleaseOutside, and onPress events
- react-google-analytics - Google analytics component
- react-layers - A library for layering components in React
- react-gcal-events-list - A Reusable component that pulls events from your google calendar
- reactdi - Dependency injection for ReactJS components
- qrcode.react - A component for use with React
- react-qrcode - This is a React wrapper for qrcode.js
- react-swf - Shockwave Flash Player component for React
- react-unmount-listener-mixin - React mixin for listenable componentWillUnmount
- react-sortable - A sortable list component built \w React
- react-anything-sortable - A sortable component with IE8 compatibility
- react-controllables - Easily create controllable components
- react-datalist - A polyfill for Reactjs
- react-pad - Authoring tool for React components
- ogre.js - Object graph manager, built with ReactJS in mind
- react-scroll-components - A set of components that react to page scrolling
- react-fullscreen-component - Create fullscreen toggles
- react-frozenhead - Make your whole page a React component and render it on the server
- react-document-title - declarative, nested, stateful document.title
- react-tags - A simple wrapper around React.DOM
- react-datepicker by @misino - Datepicker component for application using Facebook React
- react-datepicker by @Hacker0x01 - A simple and reusable datepicker component for React
- react-styles - Utility to manage styles for React JS components
- react-stylesheet - A component for React to declare stylesheet dependencies
- react-table-sorter-demo - A React.js Table Sorter Component
- react-table-component - React Table Component for creating a very basic html table
- react-input-placeholder - Input is a small wrapper around React.DOM.input
- react-infinite-scroll - An infinite scroll component for React
- react-ellipsis - Ellipsis component for React
- react-pillbox - Pillbox component for React
- react-intl - React Internationalization Component
- react-tokeninput - Tokeninput component for React
- react-select-box - An accessible select box component for React
- react-ladda - React wrapper for Ladda buttons
- react-list - A versatile infinite scroll React component
- olay-react - Olay implemented as a React component
- reactable - Fast, flexible, and simple data tables in React
- react-tabs - React tabs component
- react-simpletabs - Just a simple tabs component
- react-draggable - React draggable component
- react-dnd - Flexible HTML5 drag-and-drop mixin for React with full DOM control
- react-sticky - component for React-based apps
- js-object-to-table - JavaScript objects drawing themselves into a table using React
- react-kaomoji - A React component for displaying Japanese emoticons
- react-calendar - Calendar that inspired by React philosophy
- react-element-pan - React component for allowing panning of DOM-elements
- react-anchor - Functional factory to create react anchor components
- react-bootstrap-daterangepicker - A date/time picker for react (using Bootstrap)
- react-bootstrap-datetimepicker - A react.js datetime picker for Bootstrap
- react-bootstrap-multiselect - A multiselect component for react (with bootstrap)
- react-colorpicker - Colorpicker for React
- react-commits-graph - A React component to render an svg graph of git commits
- react-layout - Dynamic subview layout for React
- react-weather - Example React weather app using forecast.io's API
- react-sparkline - React component for rendering simple sparklines
- react-component-width-mixin - React mixin which sets width
- react-micro-bar-chart - React component for micro bar-charts rendered with D3
- react-horizontal-bar-chart - Simple horizontal bar chart component, using D3 scales only
- react-infinity - A UITableView Inspired list and grid display
- react-timeago - A simple time-ago component for React
- react-stylePrefixr - A simple utility for React.js to help deal with style vendor prefixes
- react-spinkit - A collection of loading indicators animated with CSS for React
- react-html-elements-styleguide -React styleguide component
- react.animate - State animation plugin for react.js
- react-animate - React animation mixin
- react-star-rating-input - React.js component for entering 0-5 stars
- react-star-rating - A simple star rating component built with React.
- react-data-components - React components and mixins for manipulating data
- react-number-editor - Number editor (textfield) component for react
- react-localstorage - Simple localstorage mixin for react
- react-sortable-data React Mixin to sort data easily
- react-widgets - Suite of ui input widgets including combobox, multiselect, datepicker and more
- react-sortable - Data React Mixin to sort data easily
- react-select - Rich Select Component
- react-video - React component to load video from Vimeo or Youtube
- react-captcha - A react.js reCAPTCHA for Google
- react-cassette-player - Vector-based HTML5 Audio Player
- react-tagsinput - A simple react component for inputing tags.
- react-autolink - An autolink mixin for React
- react-emoji - An emoji mixin for React
- react-portal - A transportation of (not just) modals and lightboxes to document.body
- react-hotkeys - Declarative hotkey and focus area management for React
- react-datagrid - A carefully crafted DataGrid for React
- react-panels - A multipurpose tabbed panel with many features
- tuxx - A feature complete framework built on the React view layer
- react-magic - Automatically AJAXify plain HTML with the power of React
- tcomb-react - Library allowing you to check all the props of your React components
- react-responsive - Media queries in react for responsive design
- react-cursor - Functional state management abstraction for use with Facebook React
- Omniscient.js - Abstracting React components for fast top down render of immutable data
- Touchstonejs - React.js powered UI framework for developing beautiful hybrid mobile apps.
- StateTrooper - Centrally manage state for React applications with CSP
- riotjs - A React- like, 3.5KB user interface library
- Maple.js - Bringing the concept of web-components to React
- react-i13n - A performant, scalable and pluggable approach to instrumenting your React application
- ReactJS.NET
- React Bootstrap
- React Bootstrap Components Playground
- React Rails
- React on Rails
- om - ClojureScript interface
- quiescent - A lightweight ClojureScript abstraction over React
- Reagent - A minimalistic ClojureScript interface to React.js
- react-haskell - React bindings for Haskell
- Express React views
- Express Coffee-React views - render coffee-react on the server
- React Page Middleware
- ngReact - React Components in Angular
- React Python
- React PHP
- React Meteor
- node-jsx - Transparently require() jsx from within node
- jsx-loader - JSX loader for Webpack
- cjsx-loader - coffee-react-transform loader module for webpack
- Coffee React
- react-coffee - Build React components using natural CoffeeScript syntax
- coffee-react-transform - Provides React JSX support for Coffeescript
- sprockets-coffee-react - Sprockets preprocessor for CJSX
- react-kup - A simple, non-intrusive alternative to jsx for coffeescript
- turbo-react - Combine Turbolinks and React to apply DOM diffs
- react-bacon - A little module for using React with Bacon.js
- msx - React's JSX Transformer, tweaked to output calls to Mithril
- Backbone React Component
- react-backbone - Backbone-aware mixins for react
- backbone-reaction - React, Backbone and then some
- react.backbone - Plugin for React to make Backbone migration easier
- reactbone - React extensions for Backbone
- backbone-react-ui - React components for use with backbone and backbone paginator
- react-events - Declarative managed event bindings for react components
- react-mixin-manager - React mixin registration manager
- gsap-react-plugin - A GSAP plugin for tweening React.js component state
- react-topcoat by @plaxdan - Topcoat CSS components built with the React library
- react-topcoat by @arnemart - A collection of React components for Topcoat
- reactdown - Write React components using markdown syntax
- react-jade - Compile Jade to React JavaScript
- jade-react - Compile Jade templates to React.DOM expressions
- gulp-jade-react - Compile Jade templates into React de-sugared JSX with Gulp
- react-semantic-ui - React components for Semantic UI
- semantic-react - React wrappers for Semantic UI
- sbt-reactjs - React SBT Plugin using npm
- scalajs-react - A guilty affair between Scala.js and Facebook's React
- rpm-xtags-rivets-finch-react - RPM project: x-tags, rivets.js, finch.js, and React
- react-xtags - Using React to implement xtags
- jreact - React on server-side Java (with Rhino or Nashorn)
- React.hiccup - A complete replacement for JSX written in sweet.js
- react-style - Integrate CSS into your React.js components
- react-play - Rendering React components in the Play Framework with JDK8's Nashorn
- rx-react - Utilitiels to works with React in a RxJS
- react-typescript - Wrapper to make react play nicely with typescript
- react-with-di - A hacked prototype of React.js with DI
- reactfire - ReactJS mixin for easy Firebase integration
- react-clickdrag-mixin - ClickDrag mixin for React component
- Rewrite the Admin UI of KeystoneJS in React
- react-masonry-mixin - Standalone mixin for Masonry (@desandro)
- react-packery-mixin - Standalone mixin for Packery (Metafizzy)
- react-router by @rackt - A complete routing solution for React.js
- react-router-component by @andreypopp - Declarative router component for React
- react-router by @jaredly - An integrated router for react
- rrouter - Declarative routing layer for React applications
- react-mini-router - A minimal URL router for React.js
- monorouter - An isomorphic JS router
- routr - A component that provides router related functionalities from Yahoo
- route-reactor - Framework-agnostic client-side router
- React Forms
- react-forms - Forms library for React
- wingspan-forms - A dynamic form library for Facebook React
- newforms - Isomorphic form-handling for React
- formjs - A form generator for Reactjs
- react-form-builder - A Form Builder for React.js
- plexus-form - A dynamic form component for react using JSON-Schema
- tcomb-form - UI library for developing forms writing less code
- formsy-react - A form input builder and validator for React JS
- react-autocomplete by @rackt - WAI-ARIA compliant React autocomplete
- react-autosuggest by @moroshko - WAI-ARIA compliant React autosuggest component
- react-autocomplete by @eliseumds- Just tasting some ReactJS + RxJS
- react-autocomplete by @prometheusresearch - Autocomplete widget based on React
- react-select by @JedWatson - Like Selectize / Chosen / Select2 etc, work in progress
- instatype by @gragland - Simple react autocomplete component
- jest - Painless JavaScript Unit Testing
- jasmine-react - Unit test your React.js applications with Jasmine
- chai-react - Chai assertions for React
- react-test-tree - Simple and concise React component testing
- react-docgen - Extract information from React component files for documentation generation
- react-styleguide-generator - Easily generate a good-looking styleguide
- react-art - React Bridge to the ART Drawing Library
- react-canvas - High performance rendering for React components
- react-famous - Complex 3D animations UI at 60 FPS with Famo.us
- react-kinetic - HTML5 Canvas via KineticJS using React
- mori - ClojureScript's persistent data structures and supporting API
- swarm - JavaScript replicated model (M of MVC) library
- caplet - JavaScript models library
- Immutable.js - Immutable Data Collections for Javascript
- cortex - A javascript library for centrally managing data with React
- avers - A modern client-side model abstraction library
- imvvm - Immutable Model-View-ViewModel for React
- morearty.js - Better state management for React in pure JavaScript
- valuable - An immutable data store for React
- react-resolver - Isomorphic library to recursively lazy-load data for React components
- freezer-js - Lightweight and reactive immutable data structure for React
- mobservable - Observable data structures for building reactive React apps
- react-devtools - React Chrome Developer Tools
- sublime-react - Snippets for ReactJS
- babel-sublime - Syntax definitions for ES6 JavaScript with React JSX extensions
- babel-sublime-snippets - Next generation JavaScript and React snippets for Sublime
- Atom React
- vim-jsx - Vim JSX Syntax
- vim-react-snippets - Vim version of the snippets from sublime-react
- js2-mode - JavaScript editing mode for GNU Emacs
- web-mode.el - An autonomous emacs major-mode for editing web templates
- JSXHint - Wrapper around JSHint for linting JSX files
- react-ui-builder - Tool which can be used to create working prototype using any set of React components
- generator-react-webpack - Yeoman generator for ReactJS and Webpack
- generator-react-app - Yeoman generator to create React application
- generator-react-library - Yeoman generator for React components
- generator-react-gulp-browserify - Yeoman generator for React
- reactify - Browserify transform for JSX
- Grunt React
- Gulp React
- broccoli-react - Broccoli preprocessor for React JSX
- require-jsx - A require.js plugin that allows you to use JSX files as require.js dependencies
- react-requirejs-example - React tutorial working together with require.js
- jsx-requirejs-plugin - A RequireJS plugin for loading and compiling
- react-brunch - Adds React.js support to brunch build tool
- react-tags-brunch - Adds React.js tag interpolation to brunch build tool
- react-hot-loader - Webpack loader that enables live-editing React components
- fez-react - Transform React JSX using Fez build tool
- mimosa-react - A JSX compiler for Mimosa build tool
- HTML2React - Convert plain HTML into Coffeescript calls of React.DOM
- JSXZ - Precompile your JSX HTML components from static HTML using CSS selectors
- react-to-html-webpack-plugin - Compile React components to static HTML
- static-site-generator-webpack-plugin - Prerender isomorphic JavaScript apps to static HTML
- React Inline - Transform inline styles into static CSS code and class names
- r-dom - A simple React DOM wrapper
- react-hyperscript - Hyperscript syntax for React.js markup
- react-no-jsx - A pure JS DSL to be used instead of JSX
- react-googlemaps - React interface to Google maps
- react-maps - A map component for React
- react-google-maps - React.js Google Maps integration component
- react-gmaps - A Google Maps component for React.js
- react-d3 - Modular React charts made with d3.js
- react-chartjs - Common react charting components using chart.js
- Pete Hunt: React: Rethinking best practices - JSConf EU 2013
- Pete Hunt: React: Rethinking Best Practices (updated) - JSConf.Asia 2013
- Tom Occhino and Jordan Walke: JS Apps at Facebook - JSConfUS 2013
- Pete Hunt: High performance functional programming with React and Meteor -- Devshop 11
- Stoyan Stefanov: Introduction to React - LAWebSpeed meetup
- Pete Hunt: Be Predictable, Not Correct - Mountain West JavaScript 2014
- Pete Hunt: The Secrets of React's Virtual DOM - FutureJS 2014
- Hacker Way: Rethinking Web App Development at Facebook
- Christopher Chedeau: Why does React Scale? - JSConf2014
- Christopher Chedeau: React's Architecture - OSCON 2014
- Christian Johansen: Functional UI Programming - flatMap 2014
- Pete Hunt: React RESTful UI Rendering - Strange Loop 2014
- Stefano Masini: Refactoring to React - Amsterdam Javascript MVC meetup 10 sep 2014
- Pete Hunt: How Instagram.com Works - OSCON 2014
- Bill Fisher and Jing Chen: React and Flux - NewCircle Training 2014
- Vagmi Mudumbai: Building single page apps with React.JS - JSFoo 2014
- Ben Anderson: Reactive, Component-based UIs with React - E4E Developer Conf 2014
- Adam Solove: ReactJS - Web Platform DC 2014
- Sebastian Markbage: Minimal API Surface Area - JSConf EU 2014
- Pete Hunt, Aaron Murray, and Contra Schof: Facebook React at the Famo.us Meetup 8/13/14
- Steven Luscher: Decomplexifying Code with React - Powered by JavaScript conf 2014
- James Pearce: An Introduction to ReactJS - All Things Open 2014
- Jonathan Beebe: Real World React - Nodevember 2014
- Pete Hunt: Secrets of the Virtual DOM - JSConf.au 2014
- Dave Smith: Angular + React = Speed - ng-conf 2015
- Ilya Boyandin: Interactive Data Visualization with React: Taming the Complexity of Changing State - OpenVis 2015
- React Native & Relay: Bringing Modern Web Techniques to Mobile - f8 2015)
- Flux: A Unidirectional Data Flow Architecture for React Apps - ACM Applicative 2015
- Michael Chan: React.js on Rails
- Tom Occhino and Christopher Chedeau: Keynote
- Brenton Simpson: Tweak your page in real time, without leaving the comfort of your editor
- Gurdas Nijor: Unlocking the structure of your React applications with the AST
- Daniel Schafer and Jing Chen: Data fetching for React applications at Facebook
- James Long: Communicating with channels
- Michael Jackson: react-router increases your productivity
- Pete Hunt: Full Stack Flux (was: The future of JavaScript layout systems)
- Jason Bonta: Making your app fast with high-performance components
- Eric Ferraiuolo: Format data and strings in any language with FormatJS and react-intl
- Ryan Florence: Hype!
- Christopher Chedeau: React Native
- Andrew Rota: The complementarity of React and Web Components
- Lee Byron: Immutable Data and React
- Jafar Husain: Beyond the DOM: How Netflix plans to enhance your television experience
- Zach Nation: Scalable Data Visualization
- David Nolen: Refracting React
- Bill Fisher: Flux Panel
- Bonnie Eisenman: Codecademy's approach to component communication
- James Brantly: Static typing with Flow and TypeScript
- React.js Team: Q&A with the team
- learnreact.com — 3ish minute videos on React.js
- Learn ReactJS (make a Pokedex!) - part 1
- Learn ReactJS (make a Pokedex!) - part 2
- React.js Components - part 1
- React.js Components - part 2
- Advanced Input Validation With React
- ReactJS: Dealing with the Server
- Building UIs with ReactJS
- React.js Internals
- Introduction to React JS
- React Lifecycle Methods, and creating a Clock-Tick using it
- React Life cycle methods - In Depth
- Using multiple components in React JS
- React in 7 Minutes
- jFlux - Going from MVC to FLUX
- react.rocks - Pinterest-style directory of online demos with available code
- react-hn - A React & react-router-powered implementation of Hacker News
- react-pokemon - A React component for displaying Pokémon
- React + Backbone TodoMVC
- react-rxjs-todomvc - TodoMVC implementation with React and RxJS
- react-observe-todomvc - TodoMVC implementation built on top of React and Object.observe
- react-lights-out - Simple demo of the React framework's power and flexibility
- todomvc-swarm - React TodoMVC implementation using Swarm for real-time collaboration
- reactodo - Multiple localStorage TODO lists
- lifequote - React port of a life insurance quick quoting application
- reactor-demo - Isomorphic Javascript app with React
- imgsible - React-based Imgur-like isomorphic demo app
- wow-realm-status-react - WoW Realm Status: React Edition
- react-json-editor - A generic JSON editor
- react-todos - Backbone's example TODO app with React JS for views
- reactodo - Multiple localStorage TODO lists, built with React
- github-issues-viewer - A gitub issues viewer build in react + backbone
- wolfenstein3D-react - Wolfenstein with the rendering layer written in React
- flux-react-router-example - Sample Flux app with routing and pagination using Github API
- catshop - Shopping cart built on Bootstrap 3.1 using test/fake Bitcoins
- react-isomorphic-video-game-search - An Isomorphic demo powered by React
- Flux ImmutableJS TodoList
- Hapi+React+Flux user management system
- Redux TodoMVC
- React HTML Template
- React Helloworld
- Props
- State
- Props and State
- External Plugin
- POST/GET with HTTP server
- Refs to send messages between components
Your contributions and suggestions are heartily♡ welcome. (✿◠‿◠)