I read Peter Norvig's Lisp Interpreter Tutorial but halfway through I wondered how hard it would be to add a type system without knowing any theory. While at it I also added a compiler and virtual machine which evaluates the compiled bytecode.
Because this was just a little fun learning experience the implementations are really minimal. For example the virtual machine only works with integer and bool values. In the future I might add a heap and (simple mark and sweep) garbage collection to allow for more complex data types.
;; nth factorial number
(defn fac (params n)
(if (> n 1)
(* n (fac (- n 1)))
(fac 7)
0: JMP 26
2: STORE 0
4: LOAD 0
6: PUSH 2
8: LT
9: JIF 23
11: LOAD 0
13: LOAD 0
15: PUSH 1
17: SUB
18: CALL 2
20: MUL
21: JMP 25
23: PUSH 1
25: END
26: PUSH 7
28: CALL 2
30: HALT