A fun way to learn Camunda and win a small price. The coding challenge is designed for the SpringOne Conference. Results can be hand in from the 1st of September till the 08th of September 2021.
- Fork this repo
- Do the challanges. You can do both challenges or just the first one. There are different levels and prizes for your preformance.
- Send us a link to your fork and your address in order to ship a prize and your t-shirt size to community@camunda.com with the subject: "SpringOne Coding Challenge"
- Make sure you have Java installed and that you use a version below 15.
- Install the Camunda Modeler on your machine
- Fork the project and open it in your IDE
🎉 You are ready to hack!
Get the right chronological order of the movie pulp fiction!
Navigate to src/main/resources and open the process.bpmn in the Camunda Modeler!
You will see a process similar to this one:
Below the connected process with sequence flows, gateways and events you see tasks that are unconnected. The tasks form the story of the movie Pulp Fiction. Darg and Drp them in the right chronological order on the sequence flow.
In order to get the right story plot you have to change some of the variables in the task:
Script Task "Royal and Cheese conversation": Make sure that the the variable "lastTravel" is set to "Europe". To do so select the Script Task and open in the Camunda Modeler on the right hand site the Property panel and inspect the inline Script
Service Task: "Prepare To Go Out With Mia": This Service task is implemented as a Delegate. Go into your IDE and look in the path: src/main/java/camunda.example.workflow for the "PrepareToGoOutDelegate". Change inside the Delegate the variable "drug" to "heroin".
- Challenge 1: You got the right or almost right order: we send you a small price
- Challenge 1 + 2: You got the right or almost right order and changed the variables: we send you a medium price
- Challenge 1+2 without any mistakes: we send you a large price
If you want to try out your solution and run it you can start the the application class in the project. Once the application has started type in your browser: http://localhost:8080/camunda/app/welcome/default/#!/login . Log in with the credentials: username: demo, password: demo .
Choose the Tasklist application:
Observe your Terminal in your IDE and see what will be printed. You should be able to see the story of pulp fiction printed in your Terminal based on how you placed the taks. Hint: Maybe you can identify already with that help if your order makes sense and is correct.
In the web applications you can use the house symbole in the right corner to switch between the application:
Go to Cockpit. In order to observer your process instances select running instances.
(Note: If your process instance has ended already you won't see it anymore. A running process instance is marked with a blue token)
If your process instance stands on a User Task. Naviagte back to Tasklist. You should see here an available task. Claim the task and complete it.