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UI for the Devfile Registry

This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create next-app --example with-patternfly.


"scripts": {
  "analyze": "cross-env ANALYZE=true next build",
  "dev": "next",
  "build": "next build",
  "start": "next start",
  "clean": "rimraf .next/ .nyc_output/ coverage/ docs/ out/ node_modules/",
  "cypress:start": "concurrently --names 'CYPRESS,SERVER' --prefix-colors 'yellow,blue' \"yarn cypress open\" \"yarn build && yarn start\"",
  "typedoc:build": "typedoc --tsconfig .",
  "typedoc:start": "npx serve docs",
  "jest:test": "jest --watchAll --verbose",
  "test": "cypress run",
  "lint": "prettier --check .",
  "format": "prettier --write .",
  "prepare": "husky install"
  • analyze - Runs next build and analyzes the webpack bundle size
  • dev - Runs next dev which starts Next.js in development mode
  • build - Runs next build which builds the application for production usage
  • start - Runs next start which starts a Next.js production server
  • clean - Slims the directory
  • cypress:start - Runs cypress concurrently with a production build
  • typedoc:build - Runs typedoc to generate docs
  • typedoc:start - Serves the docs
  • jest:test - Runs all jest tests
  • test - Runs all cypress and jest tests
  • lint - Checks the formatting of all files
  • format - Formats all files
  • prepare - System script for auto formatting before committing

Getting Started

Run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying pages/index.js. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

Creating a Production Build

Create an optimized production build of your application:

npm run build
# or
yarn build

Serving a Production Build

Start the application in production mode:

npm run start
# or
yarn start

Adding remote repositories


  • For devfile hosts (environment variable or config file) specify a remote url or a local folder structure and index.json that follows the devfile/api spec.
  • You can have infinitely many sources as long as the name for the source repository is different.
  • There are two types of source types, url and local.
    • url is for specifying a remote hosts.
    • local is for specifying a local hosts. NOTE: Local MUST have index.json under the root path specified, an example is below.


+-- devfiles
|   +-- java-maven
|       +-- devfile.yaml
|   +-- java-openliberty
|       +-- devfile.yaml
|   +-- index.json


    "name": "java-maven",
    "version": "1.1.0",
    "displayName": "Maven Java",
    "description": "Upstream Maven and OpenJDK 11",
    "type": "stack",
    "tags": ["Java", "Maven"],
    "projectType": "maven",
    "language": "java",
    "links": {
      "self": "devfile-catalog/java-maven:latest"
    "resources": ["devfile.yaml"],
    "starterProjects": ["springbootproject"]
    "name": "java-openliberty",
    "version": "0.5.0",
    "displayName": "Open Liberty",
    "description": "Java application stack using Open Liberty runtime",
    "type": "stack",
    "projectType": "docker",
    "language": "java",
    "links": {
      "self": "devfile-catalog/java-openliberty:latest"
    "resources": ["devfile.yaml"],
    "starterProjects": ["user-app"]

Configure the registry viewer through environment the variable.


Notes about environment variable:

  • The value assigned to the environment variable must be surrounded by quotes.
  • Each source MUST contain a name for the source repository, a source type (url or local), and a location and is split by ">". i.e. name>type>location
  • Multiple sources are be split by "|". i.e. name>type>location|name>type>location

Configure the registry viewer through config file.


  "Example1": {
    "url": ""
  "Example2": {
    "local": "/devfiles"

Environment Variables

The environment variable DEVFILE_VIEWER_ROOT controls the registry viewer's base path. Note: Defaults to /.

The environment variable DEVFILE_COMMUNITY_HOST controls whether the registry viewer uses the community registry. Note: Defaults to true and any value assigned will be false.


Contributions are welcome!

Issues are tracked via the the devfile/api repo. Open or search for issues on the devfile/api repo with the label area/registry.


UI for the Devfile Registry







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  • TypeScript 88.6%
  • CSS 5.9%
  • JavaScript 4.6%
  • Other 0.9%