This role is tested with Invenio 1.2.1
- a role to deliver invenio.
Invenio is built with
- mysql server
- Node.js
- redis
This role has been tested with Docker containers for the two different operating systems. The containers that the playbook have been tested with are
Testing is done as follows:
docker run -t -v /home/becker/invenio-docker-role:/root/roles/invenio-docker-role brucellino/invenio:test-ubuntu /bin/bash -c 'cp roles/invenio-docker-role/invenio.yml . ; ansible-playbook -c local invenio.yml'
Note : you need the -t
to give Ansible a TTY to work with
No role requirements, but to run this playbook you'll need a Linux OS (Debian and RedHat suported)
- prerequisites: base pre-requisites for the OS in order to install Invenio. There are two sets - one for CentOS and one for Debian.
No other Galaxy dependencies.
It's unlikely that you'll be orchestrating more than one invenio server, although you might want to configure the mysql server separately.
- hosts: local
- { role: username.rolename, x: 42 }
An optional section for the role authors to include contact information, or a website (HTML is not allowed).