Releases: sciphp/numphp
Releases · sciphp/numphp
NumPhp 0.4.0
Add support for PHP 8.0
Remove support for PHP 5.6, 7.0 and 7.1
New NdArray methods
New NumPhp methods
Core changes
- Enforce type hintings
- Reduce code redundancy between np and ndarray: once it's implemented in np, it's distributed to ndarray's
NumPhp 0.3.0
Add support for PHP 7.4
New NdArray methods
New NumPhp methods
N-dim arrays can be visited on their axis
API changes
sum() method now accepts
parameters. -
Indexing and slicing
now have a starting index at 0
Previously, [0][0] was indexed ['1,1']
Now it's indexed ['0,0']
Calling [','] now throws an error 'Invalid index syntax'. It has to be replaced by [':,'] or merely
NumPhp 0.2.0
Support for PHP 5.6, 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3
- NdArray::copy
- NdArray::negative
- NdArray::ravel
- NdArray::reshape
- NdArray::resize
- NdArray::add
- NdArray::divide
- NdArray::dot
- NdArray::multiply
- NdArray::reciprocal
- NdArray::subtract
- NdArray::sum
- NdArray::trace
- NdArray::trapz
- NdArray::log
- NdArray::log10
- NdArray::log2
- NdArray::exp
- NdArray::expm1
- NdArray::exp2
- NdArray::tril
- NdArray::triu
- NdArray::copysign
- NdArray::signbit
- NdArray::vander
- NumPhp::ar
- NumPhp::full
- NumPhp::nulls
- NumPhp::ones
- NumPhp::zeros
- NumPhp::full_like
- NumPhp::nulls_like
- NumPhp::zeros_like
- NumPhp::arange
- NumPhp::linspace
- NumPhp::logspace
- NumPhp::loadtxt
- NumPhp::diag
- NumPhp::diagflat
- NumPhp::diagonal
- NumPhp::eye
- NumPhp::negative
- NumPhp::identity
- NumPhp::trace
- NumPhp::tri
- NumPhp::tril
- NumPhp::triu
- NumPhp::vander
- NumPhp::add
- NumPhp::divide
- NumPhp::dot
- NumPhp::multiply
- NumPhp::reciprocal
- NumPhp::subtract
- NumPhp::transpose
- NumPhp::sum
- NumPhp::trapz
- NumPhp::log
- NumPhp::log10
- NumPhp::log2
- NumPhp::exp
- NumPhp::expm1
- NumPhp::exp2
- NumPhp::signbit
- NumPhp::copysign
- Full coverage
- Benchmark PHP NumPhp VS Python Numpy