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Workflow for new resources and materials

chrisgarrity edited this page Jun 21, 2017 · 1 revision

This is the process for new resources, for example a new set of Activity cards.

Add the files to

  1. Fork the repo
  2. Add source files that translators would need to create translated versions to the source tree. If the new resource is cards or a guide, put it in the cards or guides directories. Otherwise create new folders as needed.
  3. (optional) If the new resource is a folder for an inDesign project, and it is not in the cards or guides folders, the script will need to be modified to generate zip files for the new location. If you skip this step translators will have to download the source files for inDesign one at a time. If the new resource is a single file (e.g. newCards.pptx), this is unnecessary.
  4. Add the output (PDF) file to the www tree as the 'en' version. For example, if it's a new set of cards add it to resources/www/cards/en/. If it's a new kind of resources add a new folder at the same level as cards and guides, and then put the file(s) in an 'en' subfolder.
    Important: The filename should contain only alphanumeric characters with - and _. The filename (and directory names) are used in various places (json, urls, etc), and things will be much easier to manage if there are no spaces or special characters that would have to be escaped in the file names etc.

Add the new resource to www

Once the file has been added to scratch-resources and deployed, it can be added to www.

  1. Run ./bin/get-localized-urls localized-urls.json to get the id and default value for the resource. The data will be in bin/lib/localized-urls.json (note: when localized-urls.json ends up packaged for npm, the file will simply be in node_modules/... and you won't need to run the script)
  2. Add an l10n-static.json file in the view that is going to use the resource, and add the key:value to the file. Or modify the current l10n-static.json to add the key:value pair if the file already exists. This file is primarily to define which of the static URLs are needed in this view. It is used in the build process.
  3. In your view .jsx file define formatMessage: var formatMessage = this.props.intl.formatMessage;, then use formatMessage({id: 'key for your resource here'}) anywhere you need the URL. Re-run npm run build to pick up any changes to translations.

As translations get added to scratch-resources, the localized-urls.json will automatically get updated and new translations will automatically get included next time www is built.

Advanced Topics

  • Deploying scratch-resources to s3 only adds files to the bucket. If you need to remove resources from scratch-resources they will need to be manually removed from the S3 bucket as well.
  • scratch-resources is cached on fastly. Published resources are rarely changed, but if they are it may also require a purge of fastly.