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=== scbFramework ===
Contributors: scribu, Rarst
Tags: admin, toolkit, framework, forms, cron, settings, sql
Requires at least: 3.2
Tested up to: 3.5
Stable tag: trunk

A set of useful classes for faster plugin development.

== Description ==

This plugin is a a usage example for [scbFramework](

scbFramework is a toolkit that helps developers write plugins faster. It consists of several classes which handle common tasks, such as generating settings pages, creating database tables etc.

See the [documentation]( for more details.

To take a quick look at the code, see the github page:

Links: [**Wiki**]( | [Framework News]( | [Author's Site](

== Changelog ==

= 16 Feb 2013 (r58) =
* improve toplevel admin menu item handling
* fix notice in `scbForms::update_meta()`. props Josh Ronk
* reduce usage of `extract()`. props [Rarst](

= 7 Sep 2012 (r57) =
* refactored scbForms: separate class for each input type
* introduced scb_get_query_flags() 
* load classes immediately if 'plugins_loaded' was already called

= 8 May 2012 (r53) =
* introduced input_from_meta() and input_with_value() methods to scbForms
* added 'default' and 'wrap_each' optional parameters to relevant scbForms methods
* introduced scbAdminPage::page_loaded()
* added $name parameter to scb_register_table()

= 23 Jan 2012 (r48) =
* introduced scbForms::validate_POST_data()
* added 'wrap' arg to scbForms::input()
* introduced scb_register_table(), scb_install_table() and scb_uninstall_table()
* introduced scb_admin_notice()
* replaced scbUtil::objects_to_assoc() with scb_list_fold()
* added 'screen_icon' arg to scbAdminPage
* made scbOptions::update() accept partial updates
* WP 3.3 compatibility

= 23 Aug 2011 (r40) =
* introduced scbHooks class
* introduced scbForm class
* forms: `'name' => array( 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' )` now means `foo[bar][baz]`
* added example plugin, using scbTable, scbOptions, scbAdminPage and scbBoxesPage

= 19 Jun 2011 (r36) =
* revamped radio button handling
* added support for nested names
* use html() and esc_textarea() in scbForms
* extended example plugin
* deprecated scbQueryManipulation, scbUtil::array_pluck() and scbUtil::array_extract()

= 05 Apr 2011 (r34) =
* fixed activation hooks when using scb-load.php
* added ability to define column widths in scbBoxesPages (props pento)
* introduced scbUtil::get_current_url()
* made scbTable play nice with switch_to_blog()

= 02 Feb 2011 (r31) =
* scbQueryManipulation WP 3.1 compatibility
* scbCron enhancements
* introduced debug_cron(), debug_ts() and debug_h()
* html() knows about self-closing tags

= 09 Sep 2010 (r24) =
* delayed activation (scbLoad4)
* replaced scbQuery with scbQueryManipulation
* removed scbRewrite
* added attributes param to html()
* [more info](

= 1.6 (r9) =
* load the most recent version available
* move debugging functions to separate file
* new methods in scbUtil: array_pluck(), objects_to_assoc(), split_at()
* auto-uninstall for scbWidget
* [more info](

= 1.5 =
* new methods for scbOptions: get_defaults(); cleanup(); __isset();
* new method for scbAdminPage: page_help();
* new method for scbUtil: add_uninstall_hook();
* scbAdminPage::submit_button() accepts an array of arguments
* scbAdminPage can create top level menus
* scbBoxesPage can assign the same handler to multiple boxes, with different arguments
* debug() outputs at the end of the page, only for administrators
* [more info](

= 1.4 =
* new classes: scbUtil & scbRewrite
* faster loading method
* scbWidget applies 'widget_title' filter
* [more info](

= 1.3.1 =
* scbTable respects collation & charset

= 1.3 =
* AdminPage: ajax submit
* Options: added set(); deprecated update_part()
* Cron: new methods: do_now(), do_once()
* dropped support for WordPress older than 2.8
* [more info](

= 1.2.1 =
* fixed PHP 5.0 compatibility issue

= 1.2 =
* added the scbTable class
* fixed widget input names
* use plugin_dir_url()
* [more info](

= 1.1 =
* better scbBoxesPage
* enhancements for scbAdminPage
* bugfix in scbOptions
* [more info](

= 1.0 =
* initial release
* [more info](


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