Releases: scris/preskim
Version 1.7.3
If you encounter a message stating "Preskim.dmg cannot be opened because it is from an unidentified developer", please hold down the [Control] key while you click on the Preskim.dmg file icon. Then, from the shortcut menu that appears, select "Open" to proceed.
If macOS reports it as "damaged", please follow this guide to get rid of this. If you are using macOS 12 (Ventura), it is reported that terminal script
xattr -cr /Applications/
is also needed.
This is because that I need to pay to Apple to get notarized, and I haven't pay that money yet. If you encounter other unlisted issues installing the app, please ask in the Discussions.
Preskim 是开源软件,本身是安全的,但由于苹果严格的检查机制,打开时可能会遇到警告拦截。
- 如果打开 dmg 提示 “无法打开 Preskim.dmg 因为它来自身份不明的开发者”,请按住 control 键点击 dmg,并在菜单中点击“打开”。
- 如果打开 app 时提示无法确认身份,请参考 这篇文章 进行处理。
- 如果提示应用已损坏,请参考 这篇文章 进行处理。
这是因为我还没有将应用向 Apple 提交并付费以进行公证。如有其他问题,请在 Discussions 中提问。
New Features
- Split title into title and a new subtitle indicating current page position.
- Adjust more icons to the SF Symbols design guidelines.
- Reformat the information window with a more general design.
- 将标题拆分为标题和显示页码的副标题。
- 使更多应用内图标符合 SF Symbols 规范。
- 修改了简介窗口的设计。
Full Changelog: 1.7.2...1.7.3
Version 1.7.2
We've done so many works upon the original Skim app, making Preskim a Skim distro with a brand-new and catching-guidelines user interface.
Now is the time to publish the project.