Software for the machine cocktail engine
The django project is used for manage and create cocktail from the cocktail machine, for more how to create the cocktail machine and configure raspberry pi. Please you refer to the wiki
Install python 3.5
Install pipenv : $ sudo pip3 install pipenv
Create env and install requirements: /cocktail_engine $ pipenv install --ignore-pipfile
Launch command: $ python runserver
$ python loaddata engine/solenoidvalve.json
Launch server web, after install all packet. the server will be in debug mode if the production variable is not specified
- Connect website
If always in debug mode, you can reach the website by the address :
you will have possibility of : create the cocktail by selecting the differents bottles, add or remove cocktail image, add or remove bottles in the solenoid valves and add or remove bottle image, put the bottles as empty for cannot create cocktail.
- python 3.5 - The programming language
- Pascal de Sélys - Initial work - scwall
I would like to thank my teacher for his advice,my classmates , openclassrooms for the courses amazing :D , my wife and my friends for her patient, and condolence to the cactus, cactus is dead :(