(asdf:load-system :cl-hooks)
A hook, in the present context, is a certain kind of extension point in a program that allows interleaving the execution of arbitrary code with the execution of a the program without introducing any coupling between the two. Hooks are used extensively in the extensible editor Emacs.
In the Common LISP Object System (CLOS), a similar kind of extensibility is possible using the flexible multi-method dispatch mechanism. It may even seem that the concept of hooks does not provide any benefits over the possibilites of CLOS. However, there are some differences:
- There can be only one method for each combination of specializers and qualifiers. As a result this kind of extension point cannot be used by multiple extensions independently.
- Removing code previously attached via a :before, :after or :around method can be cumbersome.
- There could be other or even multiple extension points besides :before and :after in a single method.
- Attaching codes to individual objects using eql specializers can be cumbersome.
- Introspection of code attached a particular extension point is cumbersome since this requires enumerating and inspecting the methods of a generic function.
This library tries to complement some of these weaknesses of method-based extension-points via the concept of hooks.
A hook is an extension point consisting of
- A name (a symbol or some form)
- A list of handlers
- ftype?
- A result combination
- A documentation string
There are several kinds of hooks defined in this library, but new
kinds of hooks can easily be defined by adding methods to the
generic functions hook-handlers
, (setf hook-handlers)
, (setf hook-combination)
, documentation
(setf documentation)
The following sections briefly discuss the three kinds of hooks that are currently defined in the library.
Mention documentation
The most straightforward approach to implementing a hook is to use a variable. The variable is used as followed
- Symbol Name
- name of the hook
- Symbol Value
- list of handlers currently attached to the hook
- Symbol Documentation
- if no dedicated hook documentation is
installed using
(setf (hook-documentation ...) ...)
, the documentation of the symbol as a variable is used
Consider the following example
(defvar *my-hook* nil
"My hook is only run for educational purposes.")
(hooks:add-to-hook '*my-hook*
(lambda (x)
(format t "my-hook called with argument ~S~%" x)))
(hooks:run-hook '*my-hook* 1)
(documentation '*my-hook* 'hooks::hook)
Hooks can also live in other places like object slots:
(defclass my-class ()
((my-hook :initarg :my-hook
:type list
:initform nil
"This hook bla bla")))
(defvar *my-object* (make-instance 'my-class))
(hooks:object-hook *my-object* 'my-hook)
Operation on an intern object hook work in the usual way:
(hooks:add-to-hook (hooks:object-hook *my-object* 'my-hook)
(lambda (x)
(format t "my-hook called with argument ~S~%" x)))
(hooks:object-hook *my-object* 'my-hook)
(format t "bla~%")
(hooks:run-hook (hooks:object-hook *my-object* 'my-hook) 1)
For object internal hooks, the documentation of the backing slot is used as the hook’s documentation:
(documentation (hooks:object-hook *my-object* 'my-hook) 'hooks::hook)
Or outside of objects:
(defparameter *external-hook* (hooks:external-hook *my-object* 'my-external-hook))
We stored the hook object in a variable since we are going to use it in some other examples.
(hooks:add-to-hook *external-hook*
(lambda (x)
(format t "my-external-hook called with argument ~S~%" x)))
(hooks:run-hook *external-hook* 1)
Hook combination refers to the different possible way of constructing the resulting value of running a hook. While bearing a strong resemblance to method combination in CLOS namewise, hook combination is a much more restricted and less powerful concept.
The default hook combination is progn
(hooks:hook-combination (hooks:external-hook *my-object* 'my-external-hook))
hook combination means the final result is the return value
of the handler run last:
Let’s set up the hook to test some other combinations
(hooks:clear-hook *external-hook*)
(hooks:add-to-hook *external-hook* #'(lambda (x) (mod x 5)))
(hooks:add-to-hook *external-hook* #'(lambda (x) (- x)))
- Combination using
(setf (hooks:hook-combination *external-hook*) #'list)
(hooks:run-hook *external-hook* -3)
(hooks:run-hook *external-hook* 1)
(hooks:run-hook *external-hook* 7))
- Combination using
(setf (hooks:hook-combination *external-hook*) #'max)
(hooks:run-hook *external-hook* -3)
(hooks:run-hook *external-hook* 1)
(hooks:run-hook *external-hook* 7))
Some functions can be used for hook combination, but will not work as expected in all cases.
is one such examples. Running a hook withmax
hook combination that does not have any handlers will result in an error becausemax
cannot be called without any arguments (which is the result of calling zero handlers).
(defmethod hooks:on-become-active :after ((hook t))
(format t "hook ~S is now active~%" hook))
(defmethod hooks:on-become-inactive :after ((hook t))
(format t "hook ~S is now inactive~%" hook))
(setf *my-object* (make-instance 'my-class))
(hooks:add-to-hook (hooks:object-hook *my-object* 'my-hook) (lambda (x)))
(setf (hooks:hook-handlers (hooks:object-hook *my-object* 'my-hook)) nil)
This library uses restart to recover from errors during the execution of hooks or their handlers. This section briefly discusses the restarts that are installed at the hook and handler levels.
- When this restart is invoked, the hook is ran again.
- When this restart is invoked, the hook is not ran and a replacement value is read interactively and returned in place of the result of running the hook.
- When this restart is invoked, the handler is executed again.
- When this restart is invoked, the handler is not executed and a replacement value is read interactively and returned in place of the result of executing the handler.
- When this restart is invoked, the handler is skipped without producing any return value. If there are other handlers, the hook may still produce a return value.
(((hooks:external-hook *my-object* 'my-hook)
(lambda (x)))
((hooks:external-hook *my-object* 'my-other-hook)
(lambda (y z))))
(hooks:run-hook (hooks:external-hook *my-object* 'my-hook)))