The Olson timezone database for Python.
Supports Python 2.7+ and 3.5+.
pip install pytzdata
You can access the content of a specific timezone file by using the tz_file() function:
from pytzdata import tz_file
with tz_file('Europe/Paris') as f:
# Do something with the file
If you just want to know the path to a specific timezone file, you may use the tz_path() function:
from pytzdata import tz_path
By default, pytzdata
will use the bundled timezone database, however you can set
a custom directory that holds the timezone files using the set_directory
import pytzdata
You can also set the PYTZDATA_TZDATADIR
environment variable to set a custom directory.
To make a new release just follow these steps:
make data
- Update version numbers in
make tox