Achieving optimal performance in GPU-centric workflows frequently requires customizing how host and device memory are allocated. For example, using "pinned" host memory for asynchronous host <-> device memory transfers, or using a device memory pool sub-allocator to reduce the cost of dynamic device memory allocation.
The goal of the RAPIDS Memory Manager (RMM) is to provide:
- A common interface that allows customizing device and host memory allocation
- A collection of implementations of the interface
- A collection of data structures that use the interface for memory allocation
For information on the interface RMM provides and how to use RMM in your C++ code, see below.
NOTE: For the latest stable ensure you are on the master
RMM can be installed with conda (miniconda, or the full Anaconda distribution) from the rapidsai
For rmm version == 0.12
# for CUDA 10.1
conda install -c nvidia -c rapidsai-nightly -c conda-forge -c defaults \
rmm=0.12 python=3.6 cudatoolkit=10.1
# or, for CUDA 10.0
conda install -c nvidia -c rapidsai-nightly -c conda-forge -c defaults \
rmm=0.12 python=3.6 cudatoolkit=10.0
For rmm version == 0.11
# for CUDA 10.1
conda install -c nvidia -c rapidsai -c conda-forge -c defaults \
rmm=0.11 python=3.6 cudatoolkit=10.1
# or, for CUDA 10.0
conda install -c nvidia -c rapidsai -c conda-forge -c defaults \
rmm=0.11 python=3.6 cudatoolkit=10.0
We also provide nightly conda packages built from the tip of our latest development branch.
Note: RMM is supported only on Linux, and with Python versions 3.6 or 3.7.
See the Get RAPIDS version picker for more OS and version info.
Compiler requirements:
version 4.8 or higher recommendednvcc
version 9.0 or higher recommendedcmake
version 3.12 or higher
CUDA/GPU requirements:
- CUDA 9.0+
- NVIDIA driver 396.44+
- Pascal architecture or better
You can obtain CUDA from
To install RMM from source, ensure the dependencies are met and follow the steps below:
- Clone the repository and submodules
$ git clone --recurse-submodules
$ cd rmm
Follow the instructions under "Create the conda development environment cudf_dev
" in the cuDF README.
- Create the conda development environment
# create the conda environment (assuming in base `cudf` directory)
$ conda env create --name cudf_dev --file conda/environments/dev_py35.yml
# activate the environment
$ source activate cudf_dev
- Build and install
using cmake & make. CMake depends on thenvcc
executable being on your path or defined in$CUDACXX
$ mkdir build # make a build directory
$ cd build # enter the build directory
$ cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/install/path # configure cmake ... use $CONDA_PREFIX if you're using Anaconda
$ make -j # compile the library ... '-j' will start a parallel job using the number of physical cores available on your system
$ make install # install the library to '/install/path'
- Building and installing
using creates build dir at root of git repository. depends on thenvcc
executable being on your path or defined in$CUDACXX
$ ./ -h # Display help and exit
$ ./ -n librmm # Build librmm without installing
$ ./ -n rmm # Build rmm without installing
$ ./ -n librmm rmm # Build librmm and rmm without installing
$ ./ librmm rmm # Build and install librmm and rmm
- To run tests (Optional):
$ cd build (if you are not already in build directory)
$ make test
- Build, install, and test the
python package, in thepython
$ python build_ext --inplace
$ python install
$ pytest -v
Done! You are ready to develop for the RMM OSS project.
The first goal of RMM is to provide a common interface for device and host memory allocation. This allows both users and implementers of custom allocation logic to program to a single interface.
To this end, RMM defines two abstract interface classes:
for device memory allocationrmm::mr::host_memory_resource
for host memory allocation
These classes are based on the std::pmr::memory_resource
interface class introduced in C++17 for polymorphic memory allocation.
is the base class that defines the interface for allocating and freeing device memory.
It has two key functions:
void* device_memory_resource::allocate(std::size_t bytes, cudaStream_t s)
- Returns a pointer to an allocation of at least
- Returns a pointer to an allocation of at least
void device_memory_resource::deallocate(void* p, std::size_t bytes, cudaStream_t s)
- Reclaims a previous allocation of size
pointed to byp
. p
must have been returned by a previous call toallocate(bytes)
, otherwise behavior is undefined
- Reclaims a previous allocation of size
It is up to a derived class to provide implementations of these functions.
See available resources for example device_memory_resource
derived classes.
Unlike std::pmr::memory_resource
, rmm::mr::device_memory_resource
does not allow specifying an alignment argument.
All allocations are required to be aligned to at least 256B.
Furthermore, device_memory_resource
adds an additional cudaStream_t
argument to allow specifying the stream on which to perform the (de)allocation.
RMM provides several device_memory_resource
derived classes to satisfy various user requirements.
For more detailed information about these resources, see their respective documentation.
Allocates and frees device memory using cudaMalloc
and cudaFree
Allocates and frees device memory using cudaMallocManaged
and cudaFree
Uses the CNMeM pool sub-allocator to satisfy (de)allocations.
A coalescing, best-fit pool sub-allocator.
Frequently, users want to configure a device_memory_resource
object once and use it for all allocations where another resource has not explicitly been provided.
For example, one may want to construct a pool_memory_resource
and use it for all allocations to get fast dynamic allocation.
To enable this use case, RMM provides the concept of a "default" device_memory_resource
This is the resource that will be used when another is not explicitly provided.
Accessing and modifying the default resource is done through two functions:
device_memory_resource* get_default_resource()
- Returns a pointer to the current default resource
- The initial default memory resource is an instance of
- This function is thread safe
device_memory_resource* set_default_resource(device_memory_resource* new_resource)
- Updates the default memory resource pointer to
- Returns the previous default resource pointer
- If
, then returns the default resource tocuda_memory_resource
- This function is thread safe
- Updates the default memory resource pointer to
rmm::mr::device_memory_resource* mr = rmm::mr::get_default_resource(); // Points to `cuda_memory_resource`
rmm::mr::cnmem_memory_resource pool_mr{}; // Construct a resource that uses the CNMeM pool
rmm::mr::set_default_resource(&pool_mr); // Updates the default resource pointer to `pool_mr`
rmm::mr::device_memory_resource* mr = rmm::mr::get_default_resource(); // Points to `pool_mr`
An untyped, unintialized RAII class for stream ordered device memory allocation.
cudaStream_t s;
rmm::device_buffer b{100,s}; // Allocates at least 100 bytes on stream `s` using the *default* resource
void* p =; // Raw, untyped pointer to underlying device memory
kernel<<<..., s>>>(; // `b` is only safe to use on `s`
rmm::mr::device_memory_resource * mr = new my_custom_resource{...};
rmm::device_buffer b2{100, s, mr}; // Allocates at least 100 bytes on stream `s` using the explicitly provided resource
A typed, unintialized RAII class for allocation of a contiguous set of elements in device memory.
Similar to a thrust::device_vector
, but as an optimization, does not default initialize the contained elements.
This optimization restricts the types T
to trivially copyable types.
cudaStream_t s;
rmm::device_uvector<int32_t> v(100, s); /// Allocates uninitialized storage for 100 `int32_t` elements on stream `s` using the default resource
thrust::uninitialized_fill(thrust::cuda::par.on(s), v.begin(), v.end(), int32_t{0}); // Initializes the elements to 0
rmm::mr::device_memory_resource * mr = new my_custom_resource{...};
rmm::device_vector<int32_t> v2{100, s, mr}; // Allocates uninitialized storage for 100 `int32_t` elements on stream `s` using the explicitly provided resource
A typed, RAII class for allocation of a single element in device memory.
This is similar to a device_uvector
with a single element, but provides convenience functions like modifying the value in device memory from the host, or retrieving the value from device to host.
cudaStream_t s;
rmm::device_scalar<int32_t> a{s}; // Allocates uninitialized storage for a single `int32_t` in device memory
a.set_value(42, s); // Updates the value in device memory to `42` on stream `s`
kernel<<<...,s>>>(; // Pass raw pointer to underlying element in device memory
int32_t v = a.value(s); // Retrieves the value from device to host on stream `s`
RAPIDS and other CUDA libraries make heavy use of Thrust. Thrust uses CUDA device memory in two situations:
- As the backing store for
, and - As temporary storage inside some algorithms, such as
RMM provides rmm::mr::thrust_allocator
as a conforming Thrust allocator that uses device_memory_resource
To instruct a Thrust algorithm to use rmm::mr::thrust_allocator
to allocate temporary storage, you can use the custom Thrust CUDA device execution policy: rmm::exec_policy(stream)
returns a std::unique_ptr
to a Thrust execution policy that uses rmm::mr::thrust_allocator
for temporary allocations.
In order to specify that the Thrust algorithm be executed on a specific stream, the usage is:
thrust::sort(rmm::exec_policy(stream)->on(stream), ...);
The first stream
argument is the stream
to use for rmm::mr::thrust_allocator
The second stream
argument is what should be used to execute the Thrust algorithm.
These two arguments must be identical.
is the base class that defines the interface for allocating and freeing host memory.
Similar to device_memory_resource
, it has two key functions for (de)allocation:
void* device_memory_resource::allocate(std::size_t bytes, std::size_t alignment)
- Returns a pointer to an allocation of at least
bytes aligned to the specifiedalignment
- Returns a pointer to an allocation of at least
void device_memory_resource::deallocate(void* p, std::size_t bytes, std::size_t alignment)
- Reclaims a previous allocation of size
pointed to byp
- Reclaims a previous allocation of size
Unlike device_memory_resource
, the host_memory_resource
interface and behavior is identical to std::pmr::memory_resource
Uses the global operator new
and operator delete
to allocate host memory.
Allocates "pinned" host memory using cuda(Malloc/Free)Host
RMM does not currently provide any data structures that interface with host_memory_resource
In the future, RMM will provide a similar host-side structure like device_buffer
and an allocator that can be used with STL containers.
cuDF and other Python libraries typically create arrays of CUDA device memory
by using Numba's cuda.device_array
interfaces. Until Numba provides a plugin
interface for using an external memory manager, RMM provides an API compatible
with cuda.device_array
constructors that cuDF (also cuDF C++ API pytests)
should use to ensure all CUDA device memory is allocated via the memory manager.
RMM provides:
Which are compatible with their Numba cuda.*
equivalents. They return a Numba
NDArray object whose memory is allocated in CUDA device memory using RMM.
Following is an example from cuDF
that copies from a numpy array to
an equivalent CUDA device_array
using to_device()
, and creates a device
array using device_array
, and then runs a Numba kernel (group_mean
) to
compute the output values.
dev_begins = rmm.to_device(np.asarray(begin))
dev_out = rmm.device_array(size, dtype=np.float64)
if size > 0:
values[newk] = dev_out
In another example from cuDF
, fillna
uses device_array_like
to construct a CUDA device array with the same shape and data type as another.
def fillna(data, mask, value):
out = rmm.device_array_like(data)
configured = gpu_fill_masked.forall(data.size)
configured(value, mask, out)
return out
also provides get_ipc_handle()
for getting the IPC handle associated
with a Numba NDArray, which accounts for the case where the data for the NDArray
is suballocated from some larger pool allocation by the memory manager.
RMM currently defaults to just calling cudaMalloc, but you can enable the experimental pool allocator by reinitializing RMM.
pool_allocator=False, # default is False
managed_memory=False, # default is False
initial_pool_size=int(2**31), # set to 2GiB. Default is 1/2 total GPU memory
devices=0, # GPU device IDs to register. By default registers only GPU 0.
logging=True, # default is False -- has perf overhead
To configure RMM options to be used in cuDF before loading, simply do the above
before you import cudf
. You can re-initialize the memory manager with
different settings at run time by calling rmm.reinitialize()
with the above
You can also optionally use the internal functions in cuDF which call these functions. Here are some example configuration functions that can be used in a notebook to initialize the memory manager in each Dask worker.
import cudf
# Default passthrough to cudaMalloc
# Use the pool allocator
# Use the pool allocator with a 2GiB initial pool size
cudf.set_allocator(pool=True, initial_pool_size=2<<30)
Remember that while the pool is in use memory is not freed. So if you follow cuDF operations with device-memory-intensive computations that don't use RMM (such as XGBoost), you will need to move the data to the host and then finalize RMM. The Mortgage E2E workflow notebook uses this technique. We are working on better ways to reclaim memory, as well as making RAPIDS machine learning libraries use the same RMM memory pool.
The amount of free and total memory managed by RMM associated with a particular
stream can be obtained with the get_info
meminfo = rmm.get_info()
print( # E.g. "16046292992"
print( # E.g. "16914055168"