TypeScript monorepo powered by Turborepo.
: a web serverdocs
: a Next.js appweb
: another Next.js app@ai-boilerplate/database
: a prism ORM library to manage our db schema@ai-boilerplate/eslint-config
configurations (includeseslint-config-next
: a log utility@ai-boilerplate/shared
: contains utils, domain types, and constants@ai-boilerplate/typescript-config
s used throughout the monorepo@ai-boilerplate/ui
: a stub React component library shared by bothweb
To build all apps and packages, run the following command:
cd ai-boilerplate
pnpm build
To set up local database:
docker compose up -d # spin up database container
cp .env.example .env # set environment variables (used by prisma:dev commands)
pnpm prisma:dev -- migrate dev # run database migration
pnpm prisma:dev -- migrate reset --force # seed database
To develop all apps and packages, run the following command:
cd ai-boilerplate
pnpm dev
To run tests you can either run once or watch:
cd ai-boilerplate
pnpm test:watch # or pnpm test
More information on Turborepo: