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Short description and motivation.


Stimulus ARIA Widgets sit in the middle of the spectrum between entirely JavaScript-based components (like React, for example) and pre-packaged server-generated components.

Stimulus controllers decorate client-side behavior onto server-generated documents by targeting elements through data--prefixed attribute annotations.

Stimulus is entirely client-side, and Rails is entirely server-side. Generating the HTML with the appropriate annotations is both extremely particular and entirely the responsibility of the server.


Add the stimulus_aria_widgets dependency to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'stimulus_aria_widgets', github: 'seanpdoyle/stimulus_aria_widgets', branch: 'main'

Additionally, depend on attributes_and_token_lists:

gem 'attributes_and_token_lists', github: 'seanpdoyle/attributes_and_token_lists', branch: 'main'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Installation through importmap-rails

Once the gem is installed, add the client-side dependency mapping to your project's config/importmap.rb declaration:

# config/importmap.rb

pin "@seanpdoyle/stimulus_aria_widgets", to: "stimulus_aria_widgets.js"

Installation through npm or yarn

Once the gem is installed, add the client-side dependency to your project via npm or Yarn:

yarn add

Installing Polyfills

The DialogController relies on functioning <dialog> elements and the [inert] attribute. If your application needs to polyfill that element, install the transitive dependencies:

Once they're available, import and install the polyfills:

import "wicg-inert"
import { installPolyfills } from "@seanpdoyle/stimulus_aria_widgets"


Installing Polyfills through importmap-rails

Add the client-side dependency mappings to your project's config/importmap.rb declaration:

# config/importmap.rb

pin "wicg-inert", to: ""
pin "dialog-polyfill", to: ""
pin "@seanpdoyle/stimulus_aria_widgets", to: "stimulus_aria_widgets.js"

Installing Polyfills through npm or yarn

Add the client-side dependencies to your project via npm or Yarn:

yarn add wicg-inert dialog-polyfill


The Accessible Rich Internet Applications Authoring Practices 1.1 provide guidance for implementing commonly occurring web widgets in accessible ways.

This engine aims to provide server-side helpers that generate HTML with the appropriate attributes to correspond with a suite of client-side Controllers.

The majority of the sever-generated attributes are [data-*] or [aria-*] prefixed, with the exception of [role]. By default, the elements are unstyled and generated without [class][] attributes.

Each instance constructed by the aria helper is an instance of Attributes containing TokenList instances.

Provided by the seanpdoyle/attributes_and_token_lists gem, Attributes and TokenList are Hash- and Set-like instances that can combine merge attribute and token values, render themselves to HTML-safe strings, or chain calls to #tag to construct HTML elements.

For more usage examples, read the project's System Tests and example template.

import { Application, Controller } from "stimulus"
import { ComboboxController } from "@seanpdoyle/stimulus_aria_widgets"

const application = Application.start()
application.register("combobox", ComboboxController)


aria.combobox renders attributes on the root element:

  • data-controller="combobox"
  • data-action="input->combobox#expand"


aria.combobox.combobox_target default attributes:

  • role="combobox"
  • autocomplete="off"
  • data-combobox-target="combobox"
  • data-action="keydown->combobox#navigate"

aria.combobox.listbox_target default attributes:

  • role="listbox"
  • data-combobox-target="listbox"

aria.combobox.option_target default attributes:

  • role="option"
  • tabindex="-1"
<%= aria.combobox.tag.form data: { turbo_frame: "names" } do |builder| %>
  <label for="query">Names</label>
  <input id="query" <%= builder.combobox_target.merge aria: { expanded: params[:query].present? } %> type="search" name="query">

  <turbo-frame <%= builder.listbox_target %> id="names">
    <% if params[:query].present? %>
      <% %w[ Alan Alex Alice Barbara Bill Bob ].filter { |name| name.starts_with? params[:query] }.each_with_index do |name, id| %>
        <%= builder.option_target.tag.button name, type: "button", id: "name_#{id}", aria: { selected: } %>
      <% end %>
    <% end %>
<% end %>


  • expand(InputEvent)

  • collapse(Event)

  • navigate(KeyboardEvent)

Toggling a <details> element

import { Application, Controller } from "stimulus"
import { DisclosureController } from "@seanpdoyle/stimulus_aria_widgets"

const application = Application.start()
application.register("disclosure", DisclosureController)


Calls to aria.disclosure.tag render a <button> by default.

aria.disclosure(expanded_class:) default attributes on the root element:

  • data-controller="disclosure"
  • data-action="click->disclosure#toggle"
  • type="button"

When expanded_class: is provided, renders:

  • data-disclosure-expanded-class
<%= aria.disclosure.tag aria: { controls: "details" } do %>
  Open Details
<% end %>

<details id="details">


Toggling the [hidden] attribute on an element

<button <%= aria.disclosure %> aria-controls="toggled-with-hidden">
  Toggle Hidden

<div id="toggled-with-hidden">Visible</div>

Toggling a CSS class on an element

<%= aria.disclosure(expanded_class: "expanded").tag(aria: { controls: "toggled-with-css-class" }) do %>
  Toggle CSS class
<% end %>

<div id="toggled-with-css-class">CSS class</div>


  • toggle(Event)

Combined with a Disclosure, toggle a <dialog> element

import { Application, Controller } from "stimulus"
import { installPolyfills, DialogController, DisclosureController } from "@seanpdoyle/stimulus_aria_widgets"


const application = Application.start()
application.register("disclosure", DisclosureController)
application.register("dialog", DialogController)


aria.dialog renders attributes on the root element:

  • role="dialog"
  • data-controller="dialog"
  • aria-model="true"

Calls to aria.dialog.tag default to rendering <dialog> elements

    <button <%= aria.disclosure %> aria-controls="dialog">
      Open Dialog

  <%= aria.dialog.tag id: "dialog" do %>
    <h1 id="dialog-title">Modal Dialog</h1>

    <form action="/comments" method="post">
      <label for="body">Comment body</label>
      <textarea id="body" name="todo[body]"></textarea>

      <button formmethod="dialog">Cancel</button>
  <% end %>


  • showModal(Event)

  • close(Event)

import { Application, Controller } from "stimulus"
import { FeedController } from "@seanpdoyle/stimulus_aria_widgets"

const application = Application.start()
application.register("feed", FeedController)


aria.feed renders attributes on the root element:

  • role="feed"
  • data-controller="feed"
  • data-action="keydown->feed#navigate"


aria.feed.article_target default attributes:

  • data-feed-target="article"
<a href="#feed">Skip to #feed</a>

<div <%= aria.feed %> id="feed">
  <article <%= aria.feed.article_target %>>First article</article>
  <article <%= aria.feed.article_target %>>Second article</article>
  <article <%= aria.feed.article_target %>>Third article</article>


  • navigate(KeyboardEvent)

View content nested within role="tabpanel" elements by navigating a collection of role="tab" elements nested within a role="tablist" element.

import { Application, Controller } from "stimulus"
import { TabsController } from "@seanpdoyle/stimulus_aria_widgets"

const application = Application.start()
application.register("tabs", TabsController)


aria.tabs(defer_selection_value: Boolean) renders attributes on the root element:

  • data-controller="tabs"


aria.tabs.tablist_target default attributes:

  • role="tablist"
  • data-tabs-target="tablist"
  • data-action="keydown->tabs#navigate"

aria.tabs.tab_target default attributes:

  • role="tab"
  • data-tabs-target="tab"
  • data-action="click->tabs#select"

aria.tabs.tabpanel_target default attributes:

  • role="tabpanel"
  • data-tabs-target="tabpanel"

When defer_selection_value: is provided, renders:

  • data-tabs-defer-selection-value
<%= aria.tabs.tag id: "tabs" do |builder| %>
  <%= builder.tablist_target.tag id: "tabs-tablist" do %>
    <button <%= builder.tab_target %> id="tabs-first-tab" type="button"
      First tab

    <button <%= builder.tab_target %> id="tabs-second-tab" type="button"
      Second tab
  <% end %>

  <%= builder.tabpanel_target.tag id: "tabs-first-tabpanel" do %>
    First panel content
  <% end %>

  <%= builder.tabpanel_target.tag id: "tabs-second-tabpanel" do %>
    Second panel content
  <% end %>
<% end %>


  • navigate(KeyboardEvent)
  • select(Event)

A role="grid" widget is a container that enables users to navigate the information or interactive elements it contains using directional navigation keys, such as arrow keys, Home, and End.

import { Application, Controller } from "stimulus"
import { GridController } from "@seanpdoyle/stimulus_aria_widgets"

const application = Application.start()
application.register("grid", GridController)


aria.grid renders attributes on the root element:

  • data-controller="grid"

Calls to aria.grid.tag default to rendering <table> elements


aria.grid.row_target default attributes:

  • role="row"
  • data-grid-target="row"
  • data-action="keydown->grid#moveRow"
  • data-grid-directions-param="{"ArrowDown":1,"ArrowUp":-1,"PageDown":10,"PageUp":-10}"

aria.grid.gridcell_target default attributes:

  • role="gridcell"
  • data-grid-target="gridcell"
  • data-action="focus->grid#captureFocus keydown->grid#moveColumn"
  • data-grid-boundaries-param="{"Home":0,"End":1}"
  • data-grid-directions-param="{"ArrowRight":1,"ArrowLeft":-1}"
<%= aria.grid.tag id: "grid-table" do |builder| %>

    <%= builder.row_target.tag do %>
      <%= builder.gridcell_target.tag "A1" %>
      <%= builder.gridcell_target.tag "A2" %>
      <%= builder.gridcell_target.tag "A3" %>
    <% end %>

    <%= builder.row_target.tag do %>
      <%= builder.gridcell_target.tag "B1" %>
      <%= builder.gridcell_target.tag "B2" %>
      <%= builder.gridcell_target.tag "B3" %>
    <% end %>
<% end %>


  • captureFocus(FocusEvent)
  • moveRow(KeyboardEvent)
  • moveColumn(KeyboardEvent)


By default, the widget builder will be available via the aria helper method.

To configure the name of the helper, override the config.stimulus_aria_widgets.helper_method value:

Rails.application.config.stimulus_aria_widgets.helper_method = :stimulus_builder


Contribution directions go here.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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Contributors 3
