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Introduction to Xamarin.Forms

Xamarin.Forms is a cross-platform UI toolkit that allows developers to efficiently create native user interface layouts that can be shared across iOS, Android, and Universal Windows Platform apps. This series introduces the basics of Xamarin.Forms development and covers building multi-platform and multi-screen applications.



  • Installation of Visual Studio 2017 for Windows with Xamarin [instructions]
  • Installation of GitHub Desktop Client [instructions] (You can use whatever client you are familiar with.)
  • Update Visual Studio 2017 for Windows [instructions]


RandomUser API

Documentation: [here]

Step 0 - New Project

Create new Solution with Xamarin Forms Template

  1. Open Visual Studio
  2. Open Menu File > New > Projects
  3. Select Template Installed > Visual C# > Cross-Platform > Mobile App (Xamarin.Forms)
  4. Enter the name for project your project (i.e. NorthDallas.Contacts)
  5. Select the settings as shown in the picture and click Ok
  6. Project will be generated with all the needed files

Step 1 (Windows Only) - Live Reload

Setup LiveReload for rapid iterations through development.

  1. Open Menu Tools > Extensions and Updates
  2. Select Online from the left
  3. Type Live Reload in the search bar
  4. Click Download
  5. You will be prompted to restart Visual Studio. Do so.
  6. Click Modify when prompted by Live Reload installer.
  7. Reopen Visual Studio after the installation is complete
  8. Re-Open your newly created project
  9. Right Click Dependencies in your Xamarin.Forms Project NorthDallas.Contacts
  10. Click Manage NuGet Packages
  11. Click the Browse Tab
  12. Select LiveReload for the Package source
  13. Install the Xamarin.LiveReload package
  14. Add LiveReload.Init(); to the class App in the Xamarin.Forms Project NorthDallas.Contacts
public partial class App : Application
    public App ()
        // Initialize Live Reload.
        #if DEBUG
        MainPage = new MainPage();
  1. Open NorthDallas.Contacts\MainPage.xaml page
  2. Click the Connect link in the yellow bar above your XAML page
  3. Open your firewall for the Live Reload connection

Step 2 - Run your Application

  1. Select NorthDallas.Contacts.Android from your start project selector
  2. Select your emulator and press run
  3. If you are using Live Reload, you may make changes to the NorthDallas.Contacts\MainPage.xaml page and save the file to see the changes.

Step 3 - Change your Label

  1. With your MainPage.xaml page open, change the label to say "Welcome to Dallas!" from "Welcome to Xamarin.Forms!"
  2. If you are running LiveReload, it should just update in the emulator. Otherwise you have to run the app again.

Step 4 - Create a View Model

We'll be using Model-View-ViewModel for Xamarin.Forms. There are a lot of advantages to them. The first thing we'll need to do is create a ViewModel.

  1. Stop the application from running.
  2. In the NorthDallas.Contacts Solution, right click the project and select Manage NuGet Packages for Solution from the context menu.
  3. Select as your Package Source
  4. Click on the Browse tab
  5. Type the following into the search Refractored.MvvmHelpers
  6. In the right pane, select all the projects and click Install
  7. In the NorthDallas.Contacts project, right click the project and choose Add > New Folder.
  8. Name as ViewModels
  9. Now right click that folder and select Add > Class
  10. Enter the name ContactListViewModel.cs and click Add
  11. Make ContactListViewModel implement INotifyPropertyChanged using MvvmHelpers
    public class ContactListViewModel
        : BaseViewModel
        public ContactListViewModel()
            Title = "Welcome to the Contact List";

Step 5 - Create a View

Views is another piece of the MVVM architecture. This is what the user interacts with, the UI.

  1. Create another folder inside of NorthDallas.Contacts named Views.
  2. Right click the new folder Views and choose Add > New Item from the context menu.
  3. Select the template Xamarin.Forms > Content Page and enter the name ContactListView.xaml and click Add.
  4. Point the application to start with ContactListView.xaml
  5. Open NorthDallas.Contacts\App.xaml.cs file from under the App.xaml file.
  6. Assign a new instance of ContactListView to the MainPage property by replacing the existing assignment.
MainPage = new ContactListView();
  1. You can delete NorthDallas.Contacts\MainPage.xaml file now.
  2. Run the application and see that it now starts with the new view.

Step 6 - Add a ListView

Most of Mobile development is displaying lists of data. Let's add a ListView to ContactListView page.

  1. Create a new property to store contacts in ContactListViewModel.cs.
public ObservableRangeCollection<string> Contacts { get; set; } =
    new ObservableRangeCollection<string>();
  1. Add fake data to the ContactListViewModel to render on the view by placing the following code in your constructor.
Contacts.AddRange(new string[]
  1. Replace the Label in the NorthDallas.Contacts\Views\ContactListView.xaml with a ListView.
<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding Contacts}"
            <TextCell Text="{Binding .}" />

Step 7 - Bind View to ViewModel

  1. Open NorthDallas.Contacts\View\ContactListView.xaml.cs from under the ContactListView.xaml file.
  2. Add the ContactListViewModel as the BindingContext in the constructor ContactListView class.
	public ContactListView ()
	    BindingContext = new ContactListViewModel();
		InitializeComponent ();
  1. Run the Application and see the list of people.

Step 8 - Create a RandomUser Client

For this workshop, we will be using RandomUser API [documentation]. We will be using JSON 2 CSharp to generate POCO (Plain Old CSharp Object).

  1. Take a results example from the documentation page and paste it into the JSON 2 CSharp page.
  2. Click the Generate button.
  3. Click the Copy button at the bottom of the page, select the code, and copy the text to get the generated code.
  4. Create a new folder Models in the NorthDallas.Contacts project.
  5. Create new a class in the Models folder by right clicking the folder and choosing Add > Class....
  6. Name the class RandomUserResults.cs.
  7. Replace the class in the new file with the copied code from JSON 2 CSharp.
  8. In the NorthDallas.Contacts Solution, right click the project and select Manage NuGet Packages for Solution from the context menu.
  9. Select as your Package Source
  10. Click on the Browse tab
  11. Type the following into the search Newtonsoft.Json
  12. In the right pane, select all the projects and click Install
  13. Create a new folder Services in the NorthDallas.Contacts project.
  14. Create new a class in the Services folder by right clicking the folder and choosing Add > Class....
  15. Name the new class UserService.cs.
  16. Replace the new class with the following.
public class UserService
    public async Task<List<Result>> GetUsersAsync(int count)
        var httpClient = new HttpClient();

        var response = await httpClient.GetAsync($"{count}&seed=northdallas");

        if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
            var json = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            var results = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RootObject>(json);

            return results.results;

        throw new Exception("API call failed!");

Step 9 - Use The New Client

Now that you have created a client to pull user data from, you need to use the data.

  1. Open NorthDallas.Contacts\ViewModels\ContactListViewModel.cs and add a new parameter to the ContactListViewModel constructor.
public ContactListViewModel(UserService userService)
  1. Create a new class variable inside of the ContactListViewModel.
private UserService _userService;
  1. Assign the constructor parameter to the class variable inside the constructor and remove the AddRange from the constructor.
public ContactListViewModel(UserService userService)
    _userService = userService;
  1. Update the Contacts property to the type of ObservableRangeCollection<Result>.
public ObservableRangeCollection<Result> Contacts { get; set; } =
	new ObservableRangeCollection<Result>();
  1. Create a new method inside of NorthDallas.Contacts\ViewModels\ContactListViewModel.cs and name it ExecuteRefreshCommandAsync.
private async Task ExecuteRefreshCommandAsync()
        IsBusy = true;
        Contacts.AddRange(await _userService.GetUsersAsync(100));
    catch(Exception ex)
        IsBusy = false;
  1. Add a new command. We will use the RefreshCommand to pull down random users from the API.
private ICommand _refreshCommand;
public ICommand RefreshCommand =>
    _refreshCommand ?? (_refreshCommand = new Command(async () => await ExecuteRefreshCommandAsync()));
  1. Open the NorthDallas.Contacts\Views\ContactListView.xaml.cs file from under the ContactListView.xaml file.
  2. Create a new class variable to store the view model.
private ContactListViewModel _viewModel;
  1. Assign the new ContactListViewModel to the _viewModel inside of the constructor of ContactListView.
BindingContext = _viewModel = new ContactListViewModel(new UserService());
  1. Now we want to pull the data on when the page is first being put on the screen.
protected override void OnAppearing()

  1. Now run the application. You will find the cells blank.
  2. Fix this by updating your TextCell to bind to name.
<TextCell Text="{Binding name.first}" Detail="{Binding name.last}" />
  1. Run the application again.

Step 10 - Create a Custom View Cell

While a list of names is great, you will want to display more than one or two pieces of data or even an email. You need a custom cell for this.

  1. You need to replace the TextCell with a ViewCell
  2. Your content for the template will be inside the ViewCell
  3. Replace your TextCell with the following.
	        <Label FontAttributes="Bold">
	                    <Span Text="{Binding name.last}" />
	                    <Span Text=", " />
	                    <Span Text="{Binding name.first}" />
	                    <Span Text="{Binding}" />
	                    <Span Text=", " />
	                    <Span Text="{Binding location.state}" />

Step 11 - Add an Image to the Custom View Cell

  1. To add an image, you will need to include another NuGet package.
  2. Click on the Browse tab
  3. Type the following into the search Xamarin.FFImageLoading.Forms
  4. In the right pane, select all the projects and click Install
  5. In the NorthDallas.Contacts Solution, right click the project and select Manage NuGet Packages for Solution from the context menu.
  6. In the right pane, select the iOS, Android and UWP projects and click Install
  7. Click on the Updates tab
  8. Check the box for Xamarin.Forms
  9. Click the Update button in the left pane
  10. Accept the EULA
  11. Open the NorthDallas.Contacts.Android\MainActivity.cs file and add the following to the beginning of the OnCreate method.
  1. Open the NorthDallas.Contacts.iOS\AppDelegate.cs file and add the following the beginning of the FinishedLaunching method.
  1. Go back to the ContactListView.xaml file and add the following to ContentPage node.
  1. Now you can add a caching image to your custom view cell.
  2. Update your ViewCell with the following.
        <RowDefinition Height="50" />
        <RowDefinition Height="50" />
        <ColumnDefinition Width="50" />
        <ColumnDefinition Width="*" />

    <ffimage:CachedImage Grid.Row="0"
                         Source="{Binding picture.large}"/>

    <StackLayout Grid.Row="0"
        <Label FontAttributes="Bold">
                    <Span Text="{Binding name.last}" />
                    <Span Text=", " />
                    <Span Text="{Binding name.first}" />
                    <Span Text="{Binding}" />
                    <Span Text=", " />
                    <Span Text="{Binding location.state}" />

Step 12 - Add Loading Placeholder

As you scroll through the ListView, you will notice that some of the images look like a previous image until it has a chance to finish loading. To fix this, you wil need to add a LoadingPlaceHolder tag.

  1. Add the LoadingPlaceholder tag to the CachedImagenode.
  1. Run the application.

Step 13 - Add a Transformation to Your Image

To keep up with trends, mobile applications have be updated regularly. One of the latest trends is circular images. It is easy to add a circular transformation with Fast & Furious Image Loading.

  1. In the NorthDallas.Contacts Solution, right click the project and select Manage NuGet Packages for Solution from the context menu.
  2. Click on the Browse tab
  3. Type the following into the search Xamarin.FFImageLoading.Transformations
  4. In the right pane, select all the projects and click Install
  5. In the NorthDallas.Contacts Solution, right click the project and select Manage NuGet Packages for Solution from the context menu.
  6. Go back to the ContactListView.xaml file and add the following reference to ContentPage node.
  1. Add a CircleTransformation to the CachedImage.
<ffimage:CachedImage Grid.Row="0"
                     Source="{Binding picture.thumbnail}"
        <tranformations:CircleTransformation />

Step 14 - Create Detail View Model

This is the first step towards creating a detail page. Once we have a detail page, we will enable the user to navigate to the detail by selecting an item in the ListView.

  1. Now right click that folder and select Add > Class
  2. Enter the name ContactDetailViewModel.cs and click Add
  3. Make ContactDetailViewModel implement INotifyPropertyChanged using MvvmHelpers
public class ContactDetailViewModel
    : BaseViewModel
    public ContactDetailViewModel(Result contact)
        Contact = contact;
        Title = $"{} {}";

    public Result Contact { get; set; }

Step 15 - Create the Detail View

We need to create a view to display the details of the contact.

  1. Right click the folder Views and choose Add > New Item from the context menu.
  2. Select the template Xamarin.Forms > Content Page and enter the name ContactDetailView.xaml and click Add.
  3. Replace the XAML for ContactDetailView.xaml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns=""
             Title="{Binding Title}">
                    <RowDefinition Height="300" />
                    <RowDefinition Height="*" />
                <ffimage:CachedImage Grid.Row="0"
                                     Source="{Binding Contact.picture.large}"
                                     Margin="50, 0, 50, 0">
                        <tranformations:CircleTransformation />
                <StackLayout Grid.Row="1" Margin="10, 0, 10, 0">
                    <Label FontSize="Micro">Name:</Label>
                    <Label FontAttributes="Bold"
                                <Span Text="{Binding}" />
                                <Span Text=", " />
                                <Span Text="{Binding}" />
                    <Label FontSize="Micro">Location:</Label>
                    <Label FontAttributes="Bold"
                                <Span Text="{Binding}" />
                                <Span Text=", " />
                                <Span Text="{Binding Contact.location.state}" />
                    <Label FontSize="Micro">Email:</Label>
                    <Label FontAttributes="Bold"
                    <Label FontSize="Micro">Phone:</Label>
                    <Label FontAttributes="Bold"
                    <Label FontSize="Micro">Cell:</Label>
                    <Label FontAttributes="Bold"
                           Text="{Binding Contact.cell}"/>
  1. Add a constructor parameter for ContactDetailView in NorthDallas.Contacts\Views\ContactDetailView.xaml.cs
public ContactDetailView (ContactDetailViewModel viewModel)
    BindingContext = viewModel;
	InitializeComponent ();

Step 16 - Add the OnSelectedItem Event to the ListView

Now it's time to wire everything up.

  1. Open the ContactListView.xaml file.
  2. Add ItemSelected="OnContactSelected" to the ListView node inside of the file.
  3. Open the ContactListView.xaml.cs file under the ContactListView.xaml page.
  4. Add a new method to the class to handle the ItemSelected event.
private void OnContactSelected(object sender, SelectedItemChangedEventArgs e)
    if (e.SelectedItem is Result)
        Navigation.PushAsync(new ContactDetailView(new ContactDetailViewModel((Result)e.SelectedItem)));
        var listView = (ListView)sender;
        listView.SelectedItem = null;
  1. Open the App.xaml.cs file under the App.xaml inside of your project.
  2. Wrap the MainPage with a new instance of NavigationPage.
MainPage = new NavigationPage(new ContactListView());


An Introduction to Xamarin.Forms






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