released this
20 Oct 20:25
304 commits
to main
since this release
Thing support in rules by seime pr #59
BREAKING: jrule-items.jar has been renamed to jrule-generated.jar
Added missing sendCommand for StopMove commands by seime pr #57
Fixed parsing of double value for Quantity type by seime pr #56
Added generic action handler by querdenker2k pr #55 see exampe #34
Refactoring of event for channel plus cleanup by querdenker2k pr #52
Refactoring of persistance functions and item handling with exceptions by querdenker2k pr #51
Added item id and fixes for generated items by LumnitzF pr #50
Added MDC Logging tags to be used with elastic search (logstash,kibana and similar) by querdenker2k pr #49
Fixed parsing of double values in rule conditions by seime pr #48
Fixed parsing of UNDEF by seime pr #45