This is for easy email address obfuscation to prevent bots and spammers.
Add the following to your CSS stylesheet:
span.obfuscate {
unicode-bidi: bidi-override;
direction: rtl;
cursor: pointer;
span.obfuscate > i {
display: none;
span.obfuscate > span::after {
content: '@';
The component accepts an optional honeypot email address / link you can use, if you want to have a sophisticated setup and blacklist any sender that sends an E-Mail to it.
The delay_seconds
can be set as well. After this timeout, when mounted inside the browser,
the honeypot address will be exchanged with the real one. This means the link will not work with
HTML only, but there is no good way to prevent bots without Javascript / WASM.
Then just use it like this:
let (email, _) = create_signal("".to_string());
view! { <ObfuscateEmail email /> }
If the given String does not contain '@'
leptos-obfuscate v0.3+
leptos-obfuscate v0.2
leptos-obfuscate v0.1