Not intended for production use
- Azure Subscription
- Owner or contributer rights for subscription
- Infrastructure code is located in /deploy
- Provide the relevant parameters in a parameters file (e.g. parameters-devbox.json) - Make sure to set deployDevBox to true
- Deploy the DevBox infrastructure with the following command:
az deployment sub create --template-file main.bicep --parameters parameters-devbox.json
- Alternatively you can use the file to deploy the infrastructure
Optional: You can deploy DevBox AND ADE infrastructure when you set deployAde to true and deployDevBox to true
- Infrastructure code is located in /deploy
- Provide the relevant parameters in a parameters file (e.g. parameters-ade.json) - Make sure to set deployAde to true
- Deploy the ADE infrastructure with the following command:
az deployment sub create --template-file main.bicep --parameters parameters-ade.json
- Alternatively you can use the file to deploy the infrastructure
Optional: You can deploy DevBox AND ADE infrastructure when you set deployAde to true and deployDevBox to true
Example catalog items are located in /ade-catalog.
Currently only ARM templates are supported. When developing with Bicep you have to build the ARM template first.
az bicep build --file main.bicep --outfile azuredeploy.json
- Infrastructure code is located in /deploy
- Provide the relevant parameters in a parameters file (e.g. parameters-podcast.json) - Make sure to set only deployPodcastExample to true
- Deploy the Podcast App infrastructure with the following command:
az deployment sub create --template-file main.bicep --parameters parameters-podcast.json
- Alternatively you can use the file to deploy the infrastructure