A slack bot that show you a random xebia-essentials card each day.
Invite xebia-essentials bot to any channel. If someone talk in the same message about card and day (like what is the card of the day?) then xebia-essentials bot will respond to you with some nice card.
If you want to change the card of the day and the other ones, just send a private message to xebia-essentials bot with shuffle word into it. xebia-essentials bot will shuffle all cards and will show you another one once you'll ask him another time what's the card of the day.
If you have java and maven on your host:
mvn clean install
docker run --interactive --tty --workdir=/opt/maven --volume ${PWD}:/opt/maven --volume ${HOME}/.m2:/root/.m2 \
maven:latest mvn clean install
docker build --tag=xebia-essentials-slackbot .
docker run [--interactive --tty|--detach] xebia-essentials-slackbot <API Token>