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zkPoD-lib is the underlying core library for zkPoD system. It fully implements PoD (proof of delivery) protocol and also provides a CLI interface together with Golang bindings.

zkPoD-lib has four main parts as followed.

  • pod_setup - Generates public parameters of system
  • pod_publish - Publish utility to preprocess data and calculate authenticators
  • pod_core - Core implementations of different zkPoD trading features
  • pod_go - Golang bindings for pod_setup and pod_core functions

Related zkPoD projects

  • zkPoD-node Node application written in Golang for sellers (Alice) and buyers (Bob). It deals with communication, smart contract calling, data transferring, and other zkPoD protocol interactions.
  • zkPoD-contract Smart contracts for zkPoD Decentralized Exchange.


We would recommend Ubuntu 18.04 for convenience. The default GCC on Ubuntu 16.04 is outdated and you may encounter some annoying issues.

  • GCC 7.3 or above (If you upgrade GCC manually from an old version like GCC5, you should re-install the boost library.)
  • Go 1.12
  • Boost 1.69.0 or newer
  • OpenMP 5.3.1 or newer
# For Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install libomp-dev
sudo apt-get install libcrypto++-dev
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
sudo apt-get install libgmp-dev

# For macOS
brew install libcryptopp
brew install boost
brew install gmp


# Download zkPoD-lib code
mkdir zkPoD && cd zkPoD
git clone

# Pull libsnark submodule
cd zkPoD-lib
git submodule init && git submodule update
cd depends/libsnark
git submodule init && git submodule update

# Build libsnark
mkdir build && cd build
# - On Ubuntu
# - Or on macOS ref
CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/pkgconfig cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../../install -DMULTICORE=OFF -DWITH_PROCPS=OFF -DWITH_SUPERCOP=OFF -DCURVE=MCL_BN128 -DUSE_ASM=OFF ..
make && make install

# Build zkPoD-lib
cd ../../..

# These files should be generated after successful build.
# pod_setup/pod_setup
# pod_publish/pod_publish
# pod_core/
# pod_core/pod_core



$ ./pod_setup -h

command line options:
  -h [ --help ]                         Use -h or --help to list all arguments
  -o [ --output_path ] arg (=zksnark_key)
                                        Provide the output path
  -c [ --count ] arg (=1024)            Provide the count
  -v [ --verbose ] arg (=0)             Enable libff log

Use pod_setup to generate zkPoD zkSNARK public parameters.


zksnark_key is generated after a successful setup.


$ ./pod_publish -h
command line options:
  -h [ --help ]                         Use -h or --help to list all arguments
  ---d data_dir -m table -f file -o output_dir -t table_type -k keys
                                        publish table file
  ---d data_dir -m plain -f file -o output_dir -c column_num
                                        publish plain file
  -d [ --data_dir ] arg (=.)            Provide the configure file dir
  -m [ --mode ] arg (=plain)            Provide pod mode (plain, table)
  -f [ --publish_file ] arg             Provide the file which want to publish
  -o [ --output_dir ] arg               Provide the publish path
  -t [ --table_type ] arg (=csv)        Provide the publish file type in table
                                        mode (csv)
  -c [ --column_num ] arg (=1023)       Provide the column number per
                                        block(line) in plain mode (default
  -k [ --vrf_colnum_index ] arg         Provide the publish file vrf key column
                                        index positions in table mode (for
                                        example: -k 0 1 3)
  -u [ --unique_key ] arg               Provide the flag if publish must unique
                                        the key in table mode (for example: -u
                                        1 0 1)
  --omp_thread_num arg (=0)             Provide the number of the openmp
                                        thread, 1: disable openmp, 0: default.

Use pod_publish to preprocess target data.

zkPoD supports two modes: binary mode and table mode.

  • binary mode
  • table mode (CSV files)
# binary mode
./pod_publish -m plain -f test.txt -o plain_data -c 1024

# table mode
./pod_publish -m table -f test1000.csv -o table_data -t csv -k 0 1

Check the output folder after publishing.


$ ./pod_core -h
command line options:
  -h [ --help ]              Use -h or --help to list all arguments
  -d [ --data_dir ] arg (=.) Provide the configure file dir
  -m [ --mode ] arg          Provide pod mode (plain, table)
  -a [ --action ] arg        Provide action (range_pod, ot_range_pod,
                             vrf_query, ot_vrf_query...)
  -p [ --publish_dir ] arg   Provide the publish dir
  -o [ --output_dir ] arg    Provide the output dir
  --demand_ranges arg        Provide the demand ranges
  --phantom_ranges arg       Provide the phantom range(plain mode)
  -k [ --query_key ] arg     Provide the query key name(table mode)
  -v [ --key_value ] arg     Provide the query key values(table mode, for
                             example -v value_a value_b value_c)
  -n [ --phantom_key ] arg   Provide the query key phantoms(table mode, for
                             example -n phantoms_a phantoms_b phantoms_c)
  --omp_thread_num arg       Provide the number of the openmp thread, 1:
                             disable openmp, 0: default.
  -c [ --use_c_api ]

pod_core supports several mode combinations. We have atomic-swap, atomic-swap-vc and complaint trade mode for binary and table files. Moreover, we could employ oblivious transfer, OT mode, for privacy-preserving download. Furthermore, we are allowed to do vrf_query of structured table data, which could be combined with OT mode for the private query.

./pod_core -m plain -a complaint_pod -p plain_data -o plain_output --demand_ranges 0-2

./pod_core -m plain -a atomic_swap_pod -p plain_data -o plain_output --demand_ranges 1-10

./pod_core -m plain -a atomic_swap_pod_vc -p plain_data -o plain_output --demand_ranges 1-10

./pod_core -m table -a ot_vrf_query -p table_data -o table_output -k "Emp ID" -v 313736 964888 abc -n 350922 aaa eee bbb

Check here for more CLI interface examples. You could look over each test for detailed protocol implementation.


A simple Golang wrapper for zkPoD-lib is provided for easier library integration.

cd pod_go
export GO111MODULE=on
make test

All tests should pass as expected. You could check over tests to learn about usage.

Learn more?

  • White paper: an overview introduction of the zkPoD system.
  • Technical paper: a document with theoretic details to those who are interested in the theory we are developing.
  • Community: join us on Discord and follow us on Twitter please!


zkPoD-lib is released under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information or see